What are the long term implications of a sustained rise in the price of oil? Will we see a general cost of living increase/inflation? Will we see political and economic turmoil?

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I know what she wants....

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Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

seriously gib sauce, OP, you fucking nigger!

Fake face morph

This particular spike won't be long-term though. The USA will simply start producing more since we're above the break-even point for operations now, and Venezuela might even get allowed back into the mix.

Our capacity to produce oil is limited only by libshit regulations and pipeline cancellations. Sure the price won't be quite as low as it used to be, but this current extreme spike is not going to be sustained.

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Olivia Casta. You pathetic coomers.

I'm so horny and lonely bros.

mutt's law

more importantly
will we see your tits?

"You will own nothing and be happy"
The cattle is already mixed up and brainwashed to fight back.

she makes a certain something of mine have a sustained rise, if you catch my drift

way to ruin the thread. God I hate americans.

she got some tig ol bitties

Bitch's a Ukie shill.


Autistic Any Forumsacks would reject her because she’s pro-Ukraine

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Kek, you beat me to it

haha, you got me ^^

wear your mask
consume the products
dont question gas prices
support ukraine
own nothing
be happy
>t. the majority of the population

>pathetic coomers.
said the one who know the name of some random e-thot

The mighty Yandex Image Search found it in a matter of seconds, comrades, you should use it while you can

Disgusting, MODS! Delete this thread

>God I hate americans.
lol yes we know


thank you. i have begun to masturbate.

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also, obviously
>all great apes evolve at the equator, where there is the most Solar irradiation over the course of a year, allowing for the highest-quality food necessary (fruit) to evolve large brains
>humans move away from the equator, start chopping down all the trees to make up for the lost Solar energy
>humans move even further away from the equator, start digging up coal to make up for having even less energy and more people than ever
>humans start populating extreme latitudes and the population grows, start digging up oil in order to make up for even less energy
>think this can go on forever


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I am pro ukraine does that mean she loves me now

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I don't hoot like a fucking chimp in the comments like a rabid nigger.

General cost of living increase, most certainly, along with the price of goods because of the shipment of those goods obviously requires oil. Political and economic turmoil is bad enough because of covid, it's only going to get worse as per. In combined effect, more atomization of society and less opportunity for most people especially the young.

One of her eyebrows looks ever so slightly different than the other. DISCARDED. NEXT.

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>does that mean she loves me now
Not unless you subscribe to her OnlyFans and send superchats

nice boobas

>Will we see a general cost of living increase/inflation?
No, everything is going to get cheaper and the politicians are going to fess up and stop taxing the shit out of everyone...

I reject her because she's obviously fake.


Its a result of EVs becoming more popular. The oil price rise isnt happening for the lols. Theres actually a reason for it that doesnt include putin like you smoothbrains think. Its not theres no implications... just one of rhe outcomes when more people switch to EVs....