Am I the only one

who misses the peaceful times?

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what are those small cuts for anyways

what is that

You gotta better moisturize your garloids to avoid those lesions

Name 1 century that was peaceful anywhere in human history

what the hell is even that?

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a tasty burger

tasty burger

mistreated garloid


I'm afraid that ended at the beginning of 2020

No. But we have to get this shit out of the way.

Skin and fat, cut all over so it stretches easier, with a tube inserted to heal as a ersatz urethra. In this case it is clearly a man-mad horror beyond your comprehension though.

this thing looks so out of context and unreal that i am not even disgusted after realizing what it is because my brain keeps thinking it's a claymation jar of rasberry jam or a flesh hamburger or something

Looks like Dark Souls monster cosplay.

I miss the times when i didn’t know what a tranny was.

But why does the SCIENCE have to be by a mad scientist?

They allow the steam out to stop the crust from bursting

Communists used to pretend to care about the working class, now communists only pretend to care about insane transvestite men.


same energy

Attached: 43863483.png (914x857, 2.11M)

was eating you nigger

Trannies are unnatural abominations and should be put in asylums.
The doctors that push this shit should be executed by firing squad and the chief ideologues should be mock executed like 4 times and then put into forced labor and then mock executed again

We will never be free from evil until the tranny tyranny is ended forever.
The entire LGBT lobby must be purged and put in the landfill of history where it belongs

im not exactly sure what im looking at here but i regret ever seeing it.

Is that a delicious Bloody Mary?

It's a penis version F.

It’s a “neo penis”

Mengele was methodical and measured in comparison to the quacks doing “surgery” on trannies

They want to brainwash and destroy your kids sense of self and then do this to them you faggots

It's a mushroom chill