The absolute state of America.

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and in reality they will take that 2.6 billion and use it to buy cocaine, stocks, helicopters, and hookers of all ages

>calls saudi arabia and UAE for help with promoting gender equality
>they hang up saying they already spoke to putin

Islam is officially on notice

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They just set up shell corporations and charities then funnel the money into those, almost all of which goes to "administrative costs" so they just pocket it. These kind of government initiatives are disgusting scams.

I would say no, but they are going to do it through taxes and if I don't pay those then I get arrested.
funny little system.

Death to america

what that means is
>cause cultural decay globally and hope feminists destroy china faster than they do here

i agree with your statement, but looking at your french flag i am led to believe you might be from africa

If it's such a great idea why does it not occur naturally? Why does it need 2.6 billion dollars to go to people who are already rich?

Don't forget the booze

Well he has my vote in 2024. A clean conscious is worth paying for at the gas pumps.

Its exactly this. This is how the Western empire expands - by corrupting the target populations so deeply they willingly elect Western puppets.

He’s requesting it for the 2023 budget. They won’t have any power in Congress though after midterms so it’s all moot. This is just, unsurprisingly, a virtue signal.

So I'm paying $5 for gas and have barely enough money to survive after taxes, and this faggot uses said taxes to destroy everything I love even more?

Fuck this shit.
Mass reply because this is serious. How the fuck do I take the NEETpill? I can't stand to support this society for one more fucking second. I want welfare like the niggers he loves NOW

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God America has fallen. All of this crazy shit going on around the world and all this senile bastard cares about is “gender equity”. Gender equity is a stupid lie.

weekend at hunters

2.6 billion for confused people
meanwhile the confused people pay for it in taxes and higher commodities

Don't worry soon there won't be any jobs to wage for. At least not in Burgerland.

It's pretty obvious this is Obama's 3rd term.

It's about time! Way overdue

Equity for trannies in Africa and the Middle East!

>Biden requesring $2.6 billion for athiest missionaries
And some people say athiesm isn't a religion.

>It's pretty obvious this is Obama's 3rd term.
Lol this is something Sean Hannity would say. You sound ridiculous

There will be blood

well neet means not in education, employment, or training right? so quit all the formal education employment and training you are in and take more unconventional and unorthodox paths for said things.
the problem is the metric really only applies to the pop culture standard of education employment and training. but you can be a neet without being a literal basement dwelling neckbeard. teach yourself a trade(s), do odd jobs, cash only, this is neet. become ungovernable

When American Empire collapses and NATO finally dissolves I will be celebrating for a whole month

This. I hope we get nuked. I'm defecting as soon as the invasion happens.

Fuck the USA.

Cool! I don't even know who that is, nor do I give a shit! But! I will say it one more time. This is Obama's 3rd term.

I make my fucking living driving my own damn car because I am fucked out of a "real" job by a bullshit bureaucracy who discriminates against me for lacking work history when I went traveling.

And guess what? Pay went down. Gas went up. I'll be paying an extra $500 a month just because of fucking gas. Then I got to pay Uncle Sam his fucking money so he can work to destroy my life and the planet at large. Ruin fucking everything.

And I got ridiculous rent to pay because it went up 20% this year and cost of living is insane anywhere worth a damn now.

I am SO FUCKING DONE with all of this. I can barely afford to live as it is. I used to hate NEETs and think of them as lazy parasites, but now I truly realize there is nothing in this society worth supporting. Let it all fucking burn


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The west cannot vanish into the ashheap if history fast enough. I fear the damage is irreparable.

It's clearly not Obama's 3rd term. It's a meaningless thing to say. And how do you not know who Sean Hannity is? Imagine getting Sean Hannity talking points from a third party

It's not just that he's doing this. Weimerica has been doing this insanity for quite a while now.

It's that right as we are getting FUCKED in the ass with hyperinflation, insane gas prices, rent, and what the fuck have you, his controllers decide that rather than try to help the country...


global gender equality has higher priority than the recovery & growth of the economy? lol wtf is happening? $2.6B of taxes for global gender equality? seriously?

we spent 2.3 trillion on gender equity in afghanistan alone.
It did no good.
gender equity will further decline as oil prices rise. the only reason why women are uppity is because of oil powered machines that do all the work for them.
When everything has to be done with manual labor again, women will happily sit on their asses at home and cook and clean.

that's a good thing though. trumpanzees would have just sent that money to israel

america needs to fuck off and die

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god i fucking hate americans so fucking much

Imagine not being able to think for yourself! You're never gonna be a woman BTW lol