It's over, putinbros

We lost, Ukraine is too strong for us.

Attached: Screenshot_2022-03-09-19-43-46-1.png (720x544, 98.61K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Zelensky backtracked on NATO
>Putin backtracked on denazification
Steps in the right direction. How long until an actual compromise can be reached

Thank you for providing this twitter post as source, nearly thought you are lying.

>meme flag
>we lost

Catastrophic if real

couple weeks maybe

Attached: 1646770190141.webm (960x720, 2.55M)

They also said they won't invade.

literally nobody trust russians

About two more weeks

So, what demands are left? No nato, gib us clay?
Unless putin demands huge areas of east Ukraine, then he fought for absolutely nothing.

They were never going to get Into nato at first place, because of border conflict, and Russia already had control of those areas.
>pinky swear that you never try to take back your territory, that we stole

EU lost either way

He's going to demand pics of Zelensky's bussy
Zelensky will oblige. War over


it was to take out biolabs

Attached: 1643003300834.jpg (1200x1200, 127.71K)

is this the same ministry that said "our goal is to prevent any war from breaking out in Ukraine" a few days ago?

kak uznat chto svinosobaka pizdit
ona otkrila svoy ebalnik

this was said from the beginning…

Attached: 7687499D-95AF-49C0-B156-5ED8BFD8D073.png (598x784, 66.56K)

Of course it wasn't. The only people saying Zelensky was going to get btfo were russian zionist shills using our own ethno nationalistic interests against us. All this talk of 'PUTIN BASED, NWO GETTING BTFO' was pure shills and idiots. It's Eastern ZOG vs Western ZOG, and there are NatSoc militias on both sides goaded into conflict, because only NatSocs are many enough to fight a war.

Putin will be shaking hands with Zelensky in a month, and you nu/pol/ retards will once again be wondering "wtf just happened?"

>backtracked on NATO
NATO itself said that it isn't ready to discuss Ukraine membership in the nearest 5-10 years. Plus the whole Ukraine backtracked on NATO, - it proved itself to be another useless UN-like formation

>repeat the same thing that was said two weeks ago