Was this sentence appropriate?

A Dunkin’ employee in Tampa, Florida, accused of fatally punching a customer who used a racial slur against him last year was sentenced to two years of house arrest after pleading guilty to felony battery.

The worker, Corey Pujols, 27, was ordered by a Tampa judge on Monday to complete 200 hours of community service and attend an anger management course.

Tampa police said the incident occurred around 1:30 p.m. on May 4 at the Dunkin’ location at 410 South 50 Street.

According to court records, the customer, Vonelle Cook, 77, who is White, had gone through the drive-thru to order coffee and was angry over the lack of service. While in the drive-thru, Dunkin’ employees had trouble hearing him, and he started to yell at them about poor service.

Employees told Cook, a regular at the establishment, to leave, but he parked his car, walked inside, and was aggressive and verbally abusive toward employees, prosecutors said.

Pujols asked a coworker to call the police, leading to an argument between him and Cook, FOX 13 Tampa Bay reported.

When Pujols, who is Black, asked Cook to leave, police said Cook called him a racial slur.

Pujols then walked around the counter and asked Cook not to call him that slur again, but when Cook did, Pujols punched him in the jaw, according to the station.

Cook fell and hit his head on the floor. He was taken to the hospital, where he died three days later.

An autopsy showed that he suffered a skull fracture and brain contusions.

Pujols had initially been charged with aggravated manslaughter following the incident. Prosecutors accepted a plea deal from Pujols, who agreed to plead guilty to the lesser charge of felony battery, according to FOX 13.

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plea deal was smart, prosecutors are lazy

talk shit get hit lmao. guy should be in prison for a few years for killing the guy regardless

>who agreed to plead guilty to the lesser charge of felony battery
>person dies during process of committing a felony
What happened to that felony murder charge they love to trot out when the defendant is white? How about that.

>police said cook called him
So it's another case of "he said nigger so I get a murder pass"?

>murdering people in cold blood over a word
>house arrest
americans can never say again northern europe is lax on murder etc


There was a similar case in Minnesota a while back. Some black FedEx driver rear ended a 60 year old white dude. He gets out of the car, and you cannot hear what they are saying but it is clear that the black guy is escalating and annoying the white guy who appears to try to exchange insurance.

About a min in the black guy kind of checks over his shoulder (I guess forgetting that the Fedex truck has cameras) then sucker punches the white guy. He falls, hits his head and dies.

Black guy played the "he said nigger" card and gets off with like probation. I highly doubt the white guy even did, though it should not matter at all, because it was one of the most yuppie liberal parts of Minneapolis.

based nigger? If you can't defend yourself, don't talk shit? Ofc the nigger should've been more careful with the old man, I guess he didn't expect to kill him with a punch.

If it's a murder pass, why is he under house arrest? And there wasn't any intent to kill? He didn't expect the punch to kill him.

fully agree

Reminds me of that fairground, anyone remember the name? Two negroes murdered a white man with one punch while the other spat on him as he died.

The judge was a jewess, made the hearing private and then sentenced the negro to "anger management".

The whole system has been (((subverted))) and is now being used against whites.

Niggers are like children they have temper tantrums and can’t control or process complex emotions. Always get free passes from Whitey because of this.

Why are American courts so retarded? Was there proof that he said nigger? And if there isn't proof, how can you convict them?

Of course the poo nigger thinks tyrones cool. Probably think of him as some sort of hero since you will never have the body, confidence, and body structure to start a conflict with anyone who calls you out for shitting in the street

>Corey Pujols

Fucking Catalans becoming niggers.

Calling someone names, any names, even nigger, is not considered justification for an attack. He would have to be threatening him or stating he would do him harm to justify attacking someone first as a defense.

I could walk up to a random stranger and call them an asshole and if they attacked me it would be considered assaults. It only becomes harassment if it is repeated after the person says to stop it or tries to disengage (e.g. I follow someone around calling them an asshole vs. a one off insult).

Don't be retarded fatfuck. No one likes niggers and I'm glad we don't have them here.
It's simple, don't talk shit if you can't defend yourself. Not saying that what the nigger did was right, but it's your fault for provoking animals.

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>Calling someone names, any names, even nigger, is not considered justification for an attack
It's not, but try explaining that to a nigger. The law doesn't stop you from getting hurt, it helps only after the damage has been done. So don't be a retard and provoke niggers, especially when you can't defend yourself.
You can go ahead and call someone an asshole and in your head justify that calling someone names doesn't warrant an attack. But you never know what the person will do, and you have only yourself to blame if he chooses to attack you. And you have to blame yourself if you can't defend yourself.

You, as an Indian, would probably like US sexual harassments laws. In most places only groping the breasts or genitals is directly considered harassments, meaning you can smack women on the butt or grab their ass and only after they ask you to stop and you keep doing it is it a crime.

>You, as an Indian, would probably like US sexual harassments laws
Then you as an american likes your wife cuckolding you with niggers, cuz stereotypes right? And you're 300 pounds and need a crane to get you into bed? Post a pic of your walmart scooter lol

It sounds like the old guy started this shit. I live around old people and if i worked at these jobs id be punching them too.

It says he allegedly punched but so the rest of the shit is somehow just facts

>Vonelle Cook, 77, who is White
>plea deal was smart, prosecutors are lazy

nice cope

God where would niggers even be if they didn't have George Soros, Jews, boomers, the entire media, every public school, every Fortune 500 company, police, and courts 100% on their side? There's nothing "tough" about these retarded gay ass apes.

all yall gay as fuck for equating that punch with murder. That old fuck was gonna die the next time he slipped on a banana peel. This 'murder' is as dubious as the US covid death claims.

Just to let you know while I was at University I banged a Shruti, Palak, and Pryia.
All your women who come to study in the US seek out white boys like crazy then go back to their arranged marriages like a good girl.

why would I care about people I have never met in my life, assuming you're not lying?