Russia no longer wants to overthrow Zelensky

>Russia is not aiming to overthrow the government of Volodymyr Zelensky, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in a statement on Wednesday.

>She said that there had been "some progress" in the negotiations in Belarus, and assured that the Armed Forces had not been given the task of "overthrowing the current government".

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Bullshit, its a ruse. Nuke Moscow now.

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they've realised they can't win, without maybe using tactical nukes or something.
putin is desperate for a deal.

Zelensky isn’t joining nato… it’s as simple as that.

Whatever you do don't research zionist mafia or rothschild mafia or sabbatean frankists.

Oh my fucking god.

If i were to tell you to give me 100 bucks and in return i’d give you 110 bucks you would legitimately believe me. That’s how retarded this statement is.

What a cuck move
This is fucking embarrassing
I spent months saying the Nazi had to go to stop the genocide, but now he can stay? What about the genocide?

Just fucking kill Zelensky already

>overthrowing the current government
The kike regime will not survive the anger from the Ukrainian people by the time this is over.

And make him a martyr in stead of a traitor?

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>Russia will not invade.

Two more weeks

They'll continue killing civilians and commiting war crimes as a compensation as they're doing so rn

they weren't ordered to overthrow the current government, just Zelensky, who is hiding behind the current government

Russia added to their demands in the last round, demanding they outright recognize the independence of the Donbass.
By the time the next round come up, they might be asking for the entire coast too.
Zelensky is also a dead man after this over once they capitulate.

that was always the case

Russia wants Crimea recognised as Russian, Donetsk and Luhansk recognised as independent and it enshrined in law that Ukraine can't join EU or NATO. Not going to happen.

Maybe, Putin makes Zelensky his puppet. That would be some quality trolling.

Yes just like Russia was not aiming to invade Ukraine a few weeks ago.

Holy copium
They already asked that before lol
They just removed the "demilitarization" and "denazification" bits

Why would Zelensky agree to that? He'll evacuate if he has to. Russia is now facing 1998 but 4 or 5 times as worse

No they didn't, the demands went from autonomy as in the Minsk agreements, to recognizing them as having nothing to do with Ukraine.
Also, they are still demilitarizing the place.
The Azov boys are also busy hiding behind human shields at the moment while being killed to the last.

>No longer
Did anybody even watch his speech at the start of the invasion? It's only about 20 minutes long, for heaven's sake...

>Why would Zelensky agree to that?
He would get to stay alive. And he would hold office. Be Kolomoisky's puppet or be Putin's puppet. Same difference, really. If he went into exile and tried to lead an insurgency in Ukraine, he'd have to sleep with one eye open for the rest of his life.