You can't make this shit up

You can't make this shit up

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Aren't we making surplus oil, though? What the fuck is going on...

Birds of a feather eat their zoo's animals together

climate activists shutdown much of our oil production


>meets with Maduro for dat oil

Americans are faggot cucks, you are going to collapse under Dem leadership, please rectify this.

they are retards...liberals are a disease
climate activists are HIV/AIDS to energy

Those reserves belong to the wealthy. It is their long game.

They would rather make the lower echelons of society pay in the short term.

Are americans the most patherics race ever? Betraying a white capitalist country such as Russia for a brown communist country as Venezuela

Meet for what? To buy oil from them? Could this mend the relationship?

Why do you people have such a retarded political electorate. They just sanctioned them self's, meanwhile Russia will export elsewhere, and the nations buying rubble to get oil, making their currency stronger. Also the retarded EU who will destroy their own economy. Also China, who will buy everything regardless. Biden already said he blames Russia for oil prices skyrocketing and people are swallowing it up. "people", a retarded masses of liberal crazies.

>white capitalist country

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And Venezuela is an ally of Russia, and they even own 51% of their oil industry as well.

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Maduro is the real cuck if he sells them a single barrel at anything close to a fair price

>, and they even own 51% of their oil industry as well.

We need to collapse so the liberals can be killed. Any action now will just be shut down by zog and jew media.

Read it somewhere. Anyways, Russia did invest a lot into their oil industry to save the it from collapsing because of sanctions by americans.

I hope the US gets scammed and the Venezuelan governments runs off with the money after giving them barrels of cat piss.

its getting expensive to keep the niggers at bay

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>You can't make this shit up


Putin is wreking their asses


Dw, this ain't low IQ reddit, nobody cares about being 100% grammatically correct. It's substance over the form that matters.

Thanks, was lazy to search.

Biden is really upset that his coup of Ukraine failed. He's been working on it since he was Obama's bitch VP only to see Putin pull the rug right out from under him and the Jews, who wanted it as a second homeland.

Its hilarious because they can't even ramp up production if they wanted to, years of sanctions have completely destroyed their output capacity
And I highly doubt Maduro will forget who fucked his country's economy in the first place

Venezuela is part of the OPEC cartel so I dont think they can set whatever price they want. If they lowball the price it will upset the organisation

They didn't expect from Russia to invade and completely isolate Ukraine from the West. Russia is currently in process of couping the Ukraine via force, not via financial dominance (money printing bribery and loans). They've thought Russia will larp it's force on a border and perhaps station it self within the donbass to secure them. There's also a leak about Ukraine plans to invade the rebel republics, as they were getting the freshest arms from NATO. They've thought this would continue and in few years they'd amass so much hardware Russia wouldn't be able to hold, or cause the similar scenario with sanctions like today but not having Ukraine in their pocket. Russia fucked them over, maybe them self's as well, but west is fucked now. Prices and economy is already in turmoil, and with the sanctions on them self's, they won't be able to compete with China, and this leverage will pull them from the US who wont be able to bribe them anymore with money printing. WW3/nuclear war is coming maybe. I can't imagine the pedo satanical western establishment will just keep this rolling w/o trying to obliterate humanity with nukes or biological/chemical warfare. They're that evil, showed it through the decades of bombing and not even caring about their own populations.

americans are a disease