Why shouldn't housing, food, healthcare be free and available for everyone?

Why shouldn't housing, food, healthcare be free and available for everyone?

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Because of two facts

1. We won't HAVE houses or healthcare unless some people work hard

2. You just deleted everybody's motive to work hard

If everyone expected those things for free, then who would waste any efforts producing any of those things as they would receive nothing for doing so?

Because niggers like you don't deserve it.


>1. We won't HAVE houses or healthcare unless some people work hard
>2. You just deleted everybody's motive to work hard
explain why there are fuck tons of empty houses while middle class is struggling with rent
explain why people should work hard when the rich get richer

Why would I want to work to give all that to foreigners? Its ok to have that in a homogenous cohesive country tho

Theres an episode of star trek where Odo finds a baby changeling and he tries to teach it to shapeshift by coddling it but it was content to remain a pile of goo. the scientist who found Odo and was a sort of father figure to him subjected the changeling to experiments that made it uncomfortable but forced it to shapeshift. Basically what im getting at is that if the bare minimum is guaranteed to everyone you'd have too many unproductive retards who would be a drain on society even more than they already are

why would people in africa want to work to give all that to white people in europe?

Everyone doesn't deserve them.

Look at his face and imagine you're an eastern european farmer in the 1920's. This man shows up to your village wearing a military uniform accompanied by an entourage of people all carrying machine guns. He informs you that he's from Petrograd and that the workers there need food. A rumor has surfaced from an anonymous source that not only is your village hiding food, but that several of the farmers in your village harbor bourgeois attitudes toward the revolution. This is the face he makes as he presses his pistol to your fathers head and pulls the trigger. This is the look in his eyes as he orders his men to rape and torch everything. This is the true face of the kike and the reality of the jew. This exact face is the last thing millions of innocents saw.

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They dont and I'm not expecting them to but we are expected to give a portion of our taxes to them every year as aid

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If everyone expected those things for free, then who would waste any efforts producing any of those things as they would receive nothing for doing so?

Who's going to pay for the materials and labor? Who's going to do the work when they can get it for free? What do I get if I build the house for the leech who won't work? The snake eats it's own tail

Even in the Soviet Union you still had to work, dumbass.

the endgame of communism is when working is not a burden but a hobby, aka robots do everything for us


Literally the only industry we bongs have left

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Yeah I'm not denying internationalist corporations are taking advantage of these people, thats fairly obvious but dont see how its relevant, I dont benefit from illegal logging in Africa for example but still have to give money to Africa without my consent

You should just go camping and just live in the woods by yourself and think about your question.

Why shouldn't everyone have a pink unicorn?

Half of this shit is perpetrated by the Africans on themselves.

But i can build a house alone in 3 days.

They should.
A bare minimum for survival should be guaranteed for everyone. It won't take away motivation for work. If that were the case, everyone would be happy with only store-brand food and driving a cheap rust bucket.
Hedonistic treadmill guarantees that humans will always strive for premium goods and higher status.
It's just a sign of a shit-tier adversarial civilization if we aren't willing to even provide subsistence level life for everyone.

So the end game of Communism just happened to be 200 years away? What do we do in the meantime?

Okay sounds good. You can just pay for all of us to have houses food and healthcare. How are you going to do that?

And how are we going to get to that point if there's no motivation to work? Everyone gets the same concrete box to live in regardless, so why exert more energy for no gain?

Because people might want to upgrade or improve. Everybody should be allowed to have a home but it doesn't mean it needs to have anything good attached to it. 3rd world will come soon enough and people will build homes with or without the will of the Government.

It is free. The issue is that quality of free stuff that you can get without working sucks, and if you are a violent addict - you will be kicked from places providing free food and shelter.

Working hard will only bring you more work, not more benefits.