Another L for Russian engineering


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This is literally standard in aviation. You have GPS/radar on the plane as well, but pretty much every private plane has an ipad or GPS attached to the side

These aren't private. It's the Russian military.
Why are they not using GLONASS? Probably because that trash isn't working lmao


thats not the cockpit of an SU

>military planes normally have Garmins taped to their dash
You're choking on that copium you fucking mental midget.

Fatrick S Tomlinson. Are you retarded, child?

some people are literally too retarded to understand the concept of fallback and planned redundancy.

Not in military aviation.

Piggy cope, its the cockpit of a SU 34 hahahah

>Why are they not using GLONASS? Probably because that trash isn't working lmao
It works in the us just fine
>t. Dronetard

All these armchair generals who hadn't seen a conventional war for many decades giving their expertise.

so Russian tanks must be using TomTom, that’s why they’re getting fucked this much

nothing to see here, it’s normal

You guys are dumb. Its for take out when he ejects

Maybe they just use a reprogrammed knock off that's encrypted with a similar outer casing. I can't find the tweet can you link it so I can have a closer look at the image.

I mean the Soviets didn't even use Penicillin in WW2 they used Phage Therapy instead and soldiers carried needles full of viral fluid that was anti-bacterial. Technology gets weird when it's separated from the mainstream

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>Bomber worth millions of dollars
>Highest tech available for piggy air force
>it has a fuckin cheap ass commercial GPS receiver
Do you really know what in the fuck are you talking about?

>You guys are dumb. Its for take out when he ejects

This. Most likely that pilot purchased it with his own money.

>Why doesn't the Russians spend tens of millions of dollars and waste thousands of man hours adding a gps dash that shows the same information but also shows a dozen redundant ones?

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Another L?
Didnt you glowies try this a qeek ago with the 3d printed mounted one?

Based phage knower. Those Georgians were onto something with that.

So Russian planes are shit, but Ghost of Kiev was able to do miracles in an old Su-27 or Mig29 or whatever. Make up your mind loser.

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> when

It blew my mind when I learned about it. The idea of giant cylinders of it being produced under Stalingrad during the war gives off comfy apocalypse vibes.

>new good
>old bad

>Kike spewing propaganda
Checks and checked

do not try to best me in verbal combat, stalker child

You don’t know anything about aviation do you kid?


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And here I was thinking that Russians are actually good at engineering/programming, w/e else...Seems like the west will remain invincible

Who cares if it's cheap, people who knew never see the inside of these things suddenly know what's best or if it's his main GPS display. I use a cheap laptop for most of my work and a high end station for the big stuff, practitioners don't have to show off with fake professionalism

Plot Twist:
>It's actually a device used to measure radiation.

Patrick T Tomlinson? More like Patrick S Dont know nuttin about bombinlinson am I right fellas? Tsss tsss

>Russia has their own orbital geo location system
In theory they do, but nothing they make actually works. Same shit happened with their "secure phones" kek

Apparently Garmin works on GLONASS as standard. An encrypted version would achieve everything that military industrial complex could and at a far cheaper price so long as it can keep up with the speeds. At least that's my experience working with off the shelf variants

kek I love the enthusiam.