Will your country be able to endure the upcoming famine?

Will your country be able to endure the upcoming famine?

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I'll just go to the country side

I just cannibalize the local gypsies until its over.

Yes because of the flat fields in northern Serbia (Vojvodina)

Oh... So that's why we never starved despite our shit economy

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I'm pretty sure rats are more healthy to eat.

they said that stealing land from the indians was a curse....

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Why is Brasil so shit at growing food, any knowers?

Rats dont have meat on them like gypsies do.

France will be in deep shit. All its neighbors will try to fuck it to have food.

do you know how much shit changed since then?

>tfw no potato

No, do you have the data?

And we make good shit as opposed to all the other big guns on those maps such as Canada

i reckon norwegians would do better than haitians and zimbabwe desu

they fell for the "muh forests" meme instead of clearing the amazon for farmlands

Back again Lithuania user?

Some might accuse you of shilling with the repeat threads.

Ireland is going to be having another potato famine.

1st time in my life I post about this, must have been another lithuanian

hmmm wonder how things moved around
brb have buttsex with gnu image manipulation program

Looks like we might be getting some more paddy immigrants

Different potato farmer, same potato posts.

Sad to see Rhodesia there.

stop eating retarded poisons made on the other side of the world. Drink raw milk, eat liver, eggs and some meats from your home country. Grass fed you twats

Meanwhile my tiny shithole ranks 2nd in the world for food exports. I hate this place

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Not my problem the only ones that will be starving are the Russians, the rest of the world will be fine.

Nah mate, the more dead niggers there the easier it will be to retake. Pretty sure we'll be getting most of the White Africans moving over here.

Like always, no?

God bless the USA. We are going to be fine, bois

guess we'll have to invade argentina when shtf


Nah, without fertilizers for africa it will be mostly niggers from Africa and India.
Without grains from Ukraine/Russia it will be mostly arabs and India.
So not much of value will be lost in the process.

My grandma has enough pickled vegetables in jars that would last my family for a few years

How does the Self-Sufficiency Ratio for the entire European Union look? Because I assume that just because my country's self-sufficient, we won't end up having to export things to the non-self-sufficient countries in the EU

Stop being mean to your brothers.

South America's fucked mate.

Send Nazi Super Science twins here.

Rainforest is absolutely shit for agricultural soil. It doesn’t retain moisture at all because it’s meant to, you know, rain all the time.

What do you export exactly

africans get by without eating
they'll be fine

China's rapidly poisoning their entire water table but that's made them more sustainable???

yes, and after a while we could get even more food since alot of arable land is unused since it's cheaper to import.

It's no coincidence that they're promoting separatism here.
I see world powers taking over chunks of my country when shit hits the fan.

France will soon go back to being a population powerhhouse, feels good

Rh*desia was never a real country "mate". It was a colony of wh*te dogs that were finally driven out by the native population. Whatever Zimbabwe is today is far more preferable to being lorded over by imperialist wh*te dogs.

will you finally give op on a France of 100 million plan then?

With easy. We could grow ten times more than we do right now. It just not has been economical because food has been very cheap.

In other words, the US is fucked.
Those people will migrate here and the limpwristed liberals in the government will do nothing to stop it.

Ackshually Mengele was chilling in Brazil
