Xi could easily retake Vladivostok right now

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>Ukraine is winning the war against 100% of Russia's armed forces
>The Ghost of Kiev has wiped out all of Russia's aircraft
>Ukrainian citizens, regardless of age, all have a KD ratio above 3
>In fact Ukraine armed forces are only a few kilometers from reaching Moscow
>Zelenskyy himself is in the front lines fighting along with his valiant Volktrsüm
>Russian soldiers are deserting in mass and crying to their mothers
>Russian citizens are on the brink of ousting Putin and fomenting a revolution
>China is going to invade and take Vladivostok

Any more to add to the list?

No he could not. Once they take down Putin, Xi is next.

It would be suicide. Imagine China’s situation if a Putin were removed and Western puppet regime was put into Moscow.

Also they don’t care about retaking Outer Manchuria nearly as much as you think they do. It is something that gets talked about occasionally by Chinese nationalists including some in the government but it’s not an immediate concern.

The Westoids don't understand that China operates on plans stretching generations ahead.
They are not limited by 5 year presidential terms.
Their history allows them to see politics across centuries of development and progress.

This is also the reason that for humanity to reach the stars, Chinese rule is essential as life on a generation ship should be governed by culture capable of long term planning that the Chinese are capable of.

Fake and gay

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Putin is way weaker than Xi
Xi leads the world's rising, technocratic superpower with 1 billion people and a tight grip on the world's GDP and technological industries, not a bankrupt kleptocratic has-been empire with declining population and which only exports commodities

Russian armed forces number one million active personnel + two million in the reserve, this is at most 5-7% of their total military amassed near Ukraine, what are these people smoking

a quick reminder that the Treaty of Tientsin is very explicitly one of the unequal treaties that China has repeatedly argued were illegitimate attacks on its sovereignty which should in time be reversed

Some US general on the media other day said the same when a media shill claimed they 'overcomitted', they are using maybe 20% of their forces mainly for logistics because Russians picked the most complex invasion on 4 axis but otherwise they have plenty more

Why not Taiwan while the US and NATO just cut off their own dicks right in front of them?

Does japan have any treaties for like, if they get invaded by russia america will come and save them?

Might just be that the japs see this as an opportunity to justify themselves having and air force and shit again

Our lady Tamamo-no-mae in on the scene

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Russia has 1 million active military plus another two in reserve.

Of the 3 million soldiers 100.000 are in Ukraine.

Your Pentagon has bullshit info no one gives a fuck about.

Japan is technically still at war with Russia since WW2

>xi watching ukraine closely to size up his chances taking taiwan
>discovers he should take russia instead

What a fun time to be alive

Fucking retards.

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>chinese generational planning
is a meme
or propaganda more likely
they discarded their communist planning not more than half a generation after it started

So these are future russian sectors? Which one is under EU protectorate?

Zelenski avoided 10 attempts of murder
Russia killed everyone on snake island
Putin actually has terminal phase cancer and could die any minute

No its true they do have long-term plans like the belt road project or the next chinese century. We have like maybe at most 20 years planning for a few things

>mysterious UFO lights in the sky from God aiding the Ukrainians
missed one

xi isn't a neo con like you

Ah yea because that went so well for japan. Got humilated so bad they had the US nuke them to save face.

>retards at twitter
>have zero reading comprehension and conflate amount of troops PRESTAGED with TOTAL amount
truly a shocker

giving ability to literal retards to voice their opinions and normalizing the amount of followers or subscribers equaling as a gauge of credibility was a grave mistake that will inevitably tear down the very social fabric loosely holding us all together

Japan curbstomped Russia tho? They only lost to the US. Are you implying the US would save Russia's ass like it did China?

>his is also the reason that for humanity to reach the stars, Chinese rule is essential as life on a generation ship should be governed by culture capable of long term planning that the Chinese are capable of.
Extremely based take. Never thought about it this from this angle. Godspeed Piotrek, hope you will stay out of this scuffle in Ukraine so your culture and nation survives.