Zelensky = Longbottom

Zelensky = Longbottom
Putin = Voldemort
Biden = Gandalf

Attached: AP22052707918559.jpg (770x513, 234.17K)

Other urls found in this thread:


OP = Faggot

Natalia = Hermione

Attached: 535ff197b33aeb8d708b053e5d7b42f6.jpg (550x567, 30.34K)


Putin is Bowser and ukrainian refugees are the princess.

wow, rabbi kikenburner coming in woth a fpbp

Zelensky = Elim Garak
Putin = Gul Dukat
Biden = a random holodeck character
Xi = Sisko

Xi is the Darth Maul and Schwab the imperator.

Xi Jinping = Frodo

Attached: 5332532553.jpg (553x739, 182.13K)

You = child

Wahoo bing bing bing.

OP = Faggot

So true!

I know you are baiting but whats the implication of people seriously acting like this? Is it being thrown into a world where personal relations aren´t worth anything anymore and people need to escape into capeshit and supernatural stories to compensate and calm themselves? Women are whores and the family unit is getting destroyed thus men search for something that means something to them in entertainment and videogames. Women whore around get home, feel like whores, get emotional, watch the same entertainment and see themselves in it too? This generation is beyound fucked. Muh ghost of Kiev can lick my asshole btw.

so, user, you're telling me the ghost of kiev os a nigger, and he can triangulate your mianus

Matviyenko = Winn Adami


Wow! What timeline am I in now?

How can a ghost be black?

Attached: 1618943644975.gif (320x217, 3.86M)

No, he Dom Bobandidlo

Attached: 1764 (1).jpg (192x260, 9.57K)

if i have to explain the joke, you didnt get it newfag

based and uwupilled

That’s not bad. These retards will be the first ones to die off if SHTF in EU. Generic cleansing.

That´s exactly what i am saying bro.

Ukraine = Hogwarts
Russia = Azkhaban

NATO = Griffindorf
Russia = Slitheren

Attached: 000.png (1162x726, 358.34K)


Biden=Robert Downey Junior
Kamala=Black Widow
Xi= Thanos

Wrong. Putin is an instrument of Christ to decimate freemasonry and the satanic western elite.

Attached: A rock solid Orthodox Christian leader .jpg (720x401, 85.99K)

And who is Robert Gabriel Mugabe?


EU, USA, Globohomo = Rebels
Russia, Iran, Syria, China = Imperial

Attached: 1600650573175.png (753x960, 28.9K)

1. you're mixing fandoms
2. you're a retarded faggot