how is this a good thing?

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>how is this a g-ACK!

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Why yes, I also believe the propaganda outlet of the enemy about us, how could you tell?

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putin defends russia from children who grow up to assinate him the future. also they are white, so why do you care europe?

Dead hohols

White people are dead. This is what Putin shills want.

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it's an hourly incident in the middle east

They all look insufferable. She would probably demand to speak to the manager of the war.

>killing white people is good
I expected nothing less from anti-white communist fucking worm like r*ssians and spics.

her son wouldn't have made it out of the border because he's fighting age lmao. even if they did make it they'd have to leave him behind hahahaha

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russia: anti-west
islam: anti-west
do the math, Faustian

Did they bring a kitten?well I'm a little sad now

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It's a fucking war. What do you expect?

Glory to Russia

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Yeah, but your not white. Same reason nobody gives a shit about gang violence or sex trafficking and shit here. Black or Brown, nobody makes a sound.

isn't that from the fake Hololwood video?

Oh boy. Daily reminder Shitler killed 100 million europeans

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There's a surprising lack of blood if they were killed by bombs. Some of the bodies would be disfigured too

They don't look dead to me.
See the photos of dead soldiers ukroshills post for what a real bomb attack looks like.

>I expected noth-ACK!

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Did they die of boredom? Let's just fall here theatrically and die for no apparent reason.

a real tragedy unlike mutts getting killed in yet another shooting.

All staged. My beloved Putin would never do such a thing. And if you flee you dont flee in groups like a fucking retard.

>killed by a big bomb
>the shitty plastic pet carrier is still in one piece

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1. Where's the proof that Russians fired the shot?
Are we just guessing here?
2. No blood? No damage to the limbs, to the bodies of the 'victims?'
Looks like some crisis actors posing for a picture.

Any proof this happened or is just another Assad gas attack?

Kys shit skin faggot

Putin shidded on em

LOL What kind of bomb explodes and kills people with no debris, burn marks, or any damage what so ever?

everything is propaganda to you, you really expect them not to report on the victims?

>blast "kills" people
>suitcase is only tilted over
yeah looks legit to me

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What victim? The cat carrier is placed down right side up if an explosion happened that shit would be thrown across a debris field and fluffy would be on the victim list.

They don't look like they were bombed to me. More Ukie shenanigans I'm guessing.

They would still be alive if Zelenskiy didn’t sacrifice his people for a desperate attempt to stay in power and to convince westerners to intervene on his behalf

Looks suspicious… what’s in the crate? Bio weapon? She was probably sneaking out the usa bio weapon and it instantly killed the family

Actually they died in a car, fourth photo is added for dramatism and looks staged af

Putin's a dead man

>russians trying to flee the city being killed but
>not the violent terrorists who have taken over the goverment in ukraine and hate ethnic russians
>not the ukranians killing civilans trying to flee
>no it was the russians.....
think logically, how does this make any fucking sense?

>roastie daughter
>e-boy chad
looks like putin did the world a favour

>Russia told them to go right
>They went left and go shot by Ukrainian

Trust MSM more


I saw the pics, how the fuck does a bomb kill you and you're not even bleeding and still fully intact???

Nigger have you seen people killed by explosions? By shrapnel? They're not laying down nicely like in some retarded movie.

Notice how they say "wiped out" and not killed.
This is like when they had that crying woman listing all her family members and then just said "they won't answer their phones".

Kill yourself, nazi freak. We will kill all jewkrainians if needed, because we want to eradicate nazism from the face of this planet

I'm old enough to remember when Obama drone striked a kid and first responders and when Biden drone striked a family and car full of kids. Where were you then, shill?

>clothes 100% intact
>bags and everything intact

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Thanks to ukrop army
Thanks to NATO
Thanks to Globohomo

>Black or Brown, nobody makes a sound.
lol unless its jews trying to fuck over whites in their country.

think my friend, aren't you saying the same shit the west is saying about russians with literally the same justification?

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Lol. Next time don’t vote for a Jew puppet to be your president

cant see face therefore no proof. Next propaganda!

>doesn't know you can die from concussive forces
>watches Hollowood films

Well sad, it sound like a Russian Ukraine problem.

What about the 60+ whites ran over by that evil ape in November?

you mean like Putin?
whos jewing who

>nazi freak
>We will kill all jewkrainians
Ivan, you're supposed to flip back and forth between these talking points per comment, not use them both in the same post otherwise makes no sense.

He dead


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Bio weapon, in the crate

Study up on people killed by bombs. Hint: the scene is usually a little messier.

i know but surly there must be more to it

You still think that there is a war?