Polish anons have a duty

Polish and Romanina anons need to step up and lobby their governments to stop shilling against Russia. YOU ARE LITERALLY SHILLING FOR GLOBO HOMO. HOW DUMB CAN YOU BE?

If nationalosts worked together instead of fought each other, we can actually win. Russia clearly did not provoke this war but was forced to do its actions by globo homo egging on the Ukraine to extreme belligerancy.

Attached: ukraine values kindergarten.png (1150x540, 1.1M)

I'd rather have globohomo in a wealthier country than live under Russia and go back to 70s with empty shelves everywhere

I don't need to give a fuck about globohomo, I can just sit in my basement and do what I enjoy and the rest can go fuck themselves. But at least I won't be a poorfag

This so fucking much. Spoiled westerners don't understand what is to live in Eastern Europe

Russia is a market-oriented economy nowadays.

You and all the other shitty little countries need to stop your war mongering against russia

>But at least I won't be a poorfag
you will own nothing and you will be happy

You will die alone and be happy.

Globo homo doesn't make you rich, white people and laws make you rich. That's why ukraine became even more poor despite western support.

>I will sell my soul to the devil in exchange for material wealth

How does it feel to know that you're doing exactly what the Jews want you to do?

Attached: ITT.png (400x323, 190.13K)

what does globohomo have that russia doesn't have? The highest aids and abortion rates are in russia in europe btw.

You are just stupid little kids, maybe when you grow up you will understand

Under Russia you will be under the Russian Jews except you'll also be a poorfag

There is no way to escape being controlled by jews. So being wealthier is the only better choice

Yeah so why Russians are extremely poor and the have lowest salaries in Europe?

>I'd rather have globohomo in a wealthier country
Jesus Christ.....

>t. Paid EU shills
Dilate trannies

Try living in a country occupied by Russians one time, you will be screaming to bring back globohomo because you'll think it's much better to have a few faggots and trannies around than to live in extreme poverty having to wait 10 hours in line to purchase bread

and how the fuck are we supposed to do that?

You are right
, anonymous 4chin poster. Let Me put down my smartphone and form a lobbying Group to change my government's foreign policy. I will report to you on this forum tommorow


Attached: FM5PEIPacAINTQW.jpg (921x1086, 113.66K)

Russia has a lot of non white subjects in the caucases and asia in it so it is natural they would be poorer. Also they had had sanctions. I heard Moscow is pretty developed.

Now that is see how truly demented butthurt belters are I sympathize with Russians.
Congrats, Polandpigs , Baltics and ukies...I was neutral before.
There is no helping you people.

Attached: ge9lpfnnckz11.png (730x647, 25.51K)

A high hiv/aids rate is good because it genocides gays and roasties.

come out of your ivory tower to a shitty Poland city and you will see what eastern poorfaggotry is

says the nigger reaping all the benefits

Yes, you need to lobby your government. I lobbied my senators and representatives to not make a physical or economic war with Russia.

>nooooo I'd rather live in extreme poverty, without being able to purchase anyhing but stale bread, and waiting 10 hours in line of 1000 people every day to get it
>but I'd never accept a few faggots around

You are delusional and retarded

All you do is go online to your representative's website, and then EMAIL or CALL your representive.

And this

Russia is poorer than Ukraine and will soon become a second North Korea. I want my country to stay rich.

Attached: average wage ppp.png (1348x1044, 307.6K)

Meh. It is history as first. And western brainwashing as second. It is useless to speak with them. They are living in past.
Yeah, Russia is not a heaven or something, but important cure.
It is stupid to take any side, if you can think with your own brain. And sadly, US propaganda machine is amazing.
Keep safe and prepared, fren. We are still waiting for our time.

no it doesn't, it isn't the 80s anymore.
Also their demographics are worse than europe, only offset by the import of central asian rape hordes

Russia is globohomo HIV infested hellhole
Why should I support them?

This map is false. Russia's per capita income is 4 times that of the Ukraine's

Polcuck will be "wealthy" for next maybe 50 years because germoney is giving your gibbs me dat you literal untermensch nigger

After those 50 years? Your country will be pozzed with nigger and your people will die out

Attached: Der_Untermensch.jpg (996x1370, 277.99K)

See my post above. A high hiv rate kills off gays

Oh. Is it so? Or you are living in most relegious country in the world, and 90% of people hate gay shit?
You are simply not reflecting reality. As you can see, without poor Russia western life is not so perfect anymore. Europeans are not so kind to accept migrants, when they can not earn something on on them.
Even you. I know who are you, polish people. Same shit without honor as swedes. Even bongs and muslims are better than you.