Stoicism destroyed Rome

>Stoic doctrine of unassailable autonomy of spirit - of not pursuing anything external suited a people who had no hope in achieving any external honor. Stoic apatheia and autarkeia were sought after by those yearning for a life of dignified slavery.
>This explains Stoicism’s modern appeal. We like the Romans find ourselves citizens of cosmopolitan megacities ruled by forces we cannot hope to influence. We too seek solace and dignity in Stoicism's dogma that we can achieve serenity without the need for any external good.
- Carlin A. Barton, "Roman Honor"

I said for years that stoicism is degenerate. It makes you soft and weak. The author I quote writes that in imperial, multiculti Rome, the old Roman definition of honor was impossible to work with, so stoicism took its place: Instead of being proactive and seizing honor, being able to tolerate things became honorable.

Pic related is what one should emulate, the opposite of stoicism.

Attached: take-it.gif (480x192, 1.72M)

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Jews destroyed Rome

boomers love to use stoicism as a cloak for cowardice, i have noticed

Also reading Marcus Aurelius I kinda thought he was a pussy, and a bad father. I think he was affected by christian morals.

I’m pretty sure it had more to do with the lead in the water pipes that only the ruling class had

>you will NOT get off the hamster wheel of trying to cope with constant dissatisfaction
>you WILL vote for the Right Candidate(tm)
>you WILL virtue-signal on Twatter about all the things that bother you
>you WILL coom
>you WILL consoom

Attached: 46345.jpg (782x782, 152.06K)

Marcus Aurelius was an opium fiend, not hard reaching dat dere ataraxia when you're on downers 24/7.

Cato the Elder - Cynic
1. Hit every public office available in the republic. (First and only republic Roamn to do it, almost impossible to achieve.)
2. Great general, Triumph.
3. Literal pig farmer, ugly as a hat full of arseholes.

Cato the Younger - Stoic
1. Failed public service
2. Wasted his whole life shitpoasting about cunts who got things done.
3 Died from cutting his own throat in shame and botched the job, passing away slowly in front of his horrified family pissing and shitting himself. Grandson of Elder Cato and squandered Granpappy's fortune.

Attached: CATOtheElder.jpg (430x600, 39.01K)

You obviously don’t understand stoicism and are confirmed for nihilism. Slow down on the HRT buddy

more like slow down on the HRE, take some SPQR and grow a pair

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>and are confirmed for nihilism
Not at all, stoicism is nihilism. Stop caring and you'll be happy? Nah, that's just flattened affect from severe depression.

>stoicism is degenerate. It makes you soft and weak
you wrong: the opposite of stoicism is epicureism (carpe diem), which is degenerate faggotry.

It at least makes you proactive so Epicureans > Stoics.

no no no... stoicism is opposed to epicureism, which is degenerate research of compulsory satisfaction of all the senses. in practical philosphy of life, the romans were divided into these 2 school of foughts, epicureism is the degenerate continuos research of happyness, while stoicism is the antidote.

Stoic cope, there is nothing more degenerate than stoicism, which seeks to solve problems by ignoring them. LITERAL slave morality. Such systems of thought always appear in cultures that are near death, see also Buddhism. They happen when a people's vitality is so spent that no spark of energy for fighting remains, so people seek refuge in tolerating hardships instead of ending hardships.
It's no coincidence that stoicism is popular among incels.

was considering making a forum of sorts to pursue that goal op. its the only way everyday people have a chance to get it otherwise its top down feudalism with an immortal ageist stint.

>to pursue that goal
It's hard because literally all of the world wants you to be a good stoic cog in the machine instead of a lyssa-wrecked, hot blooded hero.

Put your tongue at the back of your top incisors, exhale.

Lame- it was a small movement and not very successful . Caligula was more of the problem and degenerates like him

>there is nothing more degenerate than stoicism
you are considering stoicism out of context, you talked about roman times, so you should at least consider the complementary duality with epicureism, so consider for example Elagabalus as epicurean, while Marcus Aurelius as stoic.

Both of you are incorrect.
you have to be able to do both, and more.
Cynicism is the the path.
You have to be able to navigate the society you live in by changing tactics and adapting to the variance of those around you to achieve what you personally want to achieve.
Epicureanism and Stoicism are just two of the tools in the kit you use by applying them Cynically.
If you apply one doctrine to all your dealings, you will fail.

Jews are flunkies. It the jesuits. And Christ will destroy them.

Attached: Power structure of worldly things.gif (828x610, 83.88K)

And yet Cicero, the most famous stoic of the Republic ascended to the summit of power? Geddafuckouddahee

>It at least makes you proactive
So you shitpost twice as much? How productive, Adolf.

I thought stoicism was about not letting things stop you from achieving what you want. That's how I've used it anyway, just carry on trying and keep your chin up.

Stoicism is the closest thing to Buddhism in the west and that's not a bad thing. There is nothing worthwhile in the mundane, no matter what you do or achieve it never completely satisfies, no matter what you own death takes it all at the end. What should one do then? Try to escape the cycle.

A priest of a proto-islamic arab pagan religion, nothing at all to di with epicureans. He didn't drink alcohol, for example, how is that epicurean?

>Everyone I don't like is epicurean
The absolute state of stoics lmao

Alfred Rosenberg noticed this as well.

Attached: hedonism vs stoicism.jpg (1000x717, 80.6K)

Stoicism fails to answer 'Why?' when you get to the root of the belief. Why try? Why live according to nature? Why do anything? Stoicism side-steps this by calling on man's 'inherent' virtues, or nature's 'inherent' virtues. But its all a sham.

Christianity (read: Traditional Roman Catholicism Pre Vatican-2) gives the answer: Christ. For the love of God. Stoics are just atheists who haven't educated themselves enough to be Christian.

Cicero criticized stoicism (pro murena, de finibus).

>passive aggressive answer
How delightfully stoic.

If you want something, you already failed in stoicism.

Both are degenerate philosophies for half-dead, defeated people. Basically a giant rationalization for giving up and stopping to care.

The definition of hedonism as something bad is a remnant of protestant ethics in a mostly atheist world: If it's fun, it's bad.
Some protestant churches don't even use wine for Mass.

And Jesus criticized some Jews. Nice non-argument.

Yes, and Jesus wasn't a Jew. Exactly.

What's the alternative for stoicism?


>A rabbi born in Judea raised by Jews and brought up according to Jewish ritual, whose inner circle consisted entirely of Jews and who constantly quoted Jewish religious texts, was in fact not Jewish.
Ah, so you're fucking retarded or trolling. Saged and goodbye, midwit.

According to this, being American, you're Jewish: You're circumcised, you follow Jewish philosophy and ethics, you live among Jews (Whom Americans, for some reason, consider white). Are you?

These threads are made by people with low impulse control. Stoicism is not resigning oneself, it's merely not allowing your emotions to rule you or your satisfaction. It's literally a masculine trait, if something can be done then do it without unneccessary emotions, if it can't then don't worry about it. People today aren'tstoic they're faggots, no stoic would rant for hours about his "Mental Health."

No, it was Christianity that did that

>implying high impulse control is masculine
Spock isn't masculine, he is a sissy boy.
The defining trait of the ancient hero is the blood-boiling rage.