Fuck nazism

The exact moment of your death will be the most horrifically terrifying moment that you can imagine. At the moment when your brain realizes you are going to cease to exist and that you will NEVER see your family EVER again, your adrenal glands will overflow you with fear hormones such that you will experience terror the likes of which you cannot even imagine now. After you die, you are gone forever. When your brain is destroyed, that is the end of you, permanently. The last moments before your permanent death will not be blissful or euphoric, and nothing will "flash before you eyes." Instead, You will be left only with horrific terror as your brain tells you that you are about to cease to exist forever, permanently lose all your memories, and experience nothing ever again except for an eternity of fucking oblivion. It doesn’t matter if you live for another five years or fifty years. As a matter of mathematical fact, it is still an infinitely short amount of time compared to the ETERNITY of never ending nothingness that will follow immediately after your demise. Death is the end, forever.

I know you might be terrified to read this, but I can say with confidence that this post made me happier than any form of love, sex, food or money ever can. This post just highlights the utmost reality of humanity, that nothing matters. All of the pride, nationalism, ideologies that you follow, are useless when you will take your last breath. This world is just a manifestation of your human brain, an entity that might look complex, but is actually just a group of cells, each having its own purpose, albeit none of those cells can survive on their own. So, none of this will matter in the end. So stop caring about the petty things in life. You're on a floating rock in the realm of nothingness. Stop worrying. None of you problems are going to matter when you take your last breath.

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Good evening Tel Aviv, having fun writing bait, aren't we?

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Brain knows it's going to die so it floods the mind with happy thoughts. I'd wager the last few seconds for many was pure bliss

How's weather in Gdansk, SZYMON

If you're somehow alive right now, chances are you'll be alive somehow after your death, as another creature. I'm using the word you but its really not you, its just conciousness

I think you basically just typed nothing with any value, just like I did now. Gonna go

>Nazism is bad because nothing matters
You could also argue that genociding non-whites isn't that bad, because nothing matters. Not that I would support that though

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I don't fear death because i'm not afraid of judgement i only fear the agony of what leads to death
You on the other hand seem to fear judgement

So you're taking about the birth-rebirth system of Hinduism?

Bro, could you imagine?

Fuck judiasm

The exact moment of your death will be the most horrifically terrifying moment that you can imagine. At the moment when your brain realizes you are going to cease to exist and that you will NEVER see your family EVER again, your adrenal glands will overflow you with fear hormones such that you will experience terror the likes of which you cannot even imagine now. After you die, you are gone forever. When your brain is destroyed, that is the end of you, permanently. The last moments before your permanent death will not be blissful or euphoric, and nothing will "flash before you eyes." Instead, You will be left only with horrific terror as your brain tells you that you are about to cease to exist forever, permanently lose all your memories, and experience nothing ever again except for an eternity of fucking oblivion. It doesn’t matter if you live for another five years or fifty years. As a matter of mathematical fact, it is still an infinitely short amount of time compared to the ETERNITY of never ending nothingness that will follow immediately after your demise. Death is the end, forever.

I know you might be terrified to read this, but I can say with confidence that this post made me happier than any form of love, sex, food or money ever can. This post just highlights the utmost reality of humanity, that nothing matters. All of the pride, nationalism, ideologies that you follow, are useless when you will take your last breath. This world is just a manifestation of your human brain, an entity that might look complex, but is actually just a group of cells, each having its own purpose, albeit none of those cells can survive on their own. So, none of this will matter in the end. So stop caring about the petty things in life. You're on a floating rock in the realm of nothingness. Stop worrying. None of you problems are going to matter when you take your last breath.

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Didn't read ANY of that, go get jew-sacrificed by more elite Jews because you were the cattle the whole time.
>Any attempt whatsoever to reply is literally you tonguing my anus, THANKS

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>The exact moment of your death will be the most horrifically terrifying moment that you can imagine.
Nar I will die in my sleep comfy as I am not some jew who attached myself to a brainwashing religion and attacked everyone around me from the day I was born, dickhead.

Yeah fuck Judaism I don't care about it anymore
Fuck Yahweh and fuck Moses and fuck jesus

I love my mom.

Kinda, i mean the universe doesnt really make sense without infinities coming into play. So the best bet i think is to think of the universe as a never ending cycle, and conciousness is apart of that never ending cycle. I mean how does endless death make sense? The closest thing we experience to death is sleep, but then again we always wake up, its an instant transition. Not waking up just doesnt make sense.

you are correct. that is exactly what will happen.

to you, because that is what you have chosen. enjoy your eternity in hell, kike finite

You forgot AYWNBAW

>The exact moment of your death will be the most horrifically terrifying moment that you can imagine. At the moment when your brain realizes you are going to cease to exist and that you will NEVER see your family EVER again

Actually, it is the opposite. Except maybe for rotten kikes like you.

People report to experience Peace and Love beyond and understanding if they are about to die.

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Yeah makes sence

Makes sense mate, only sane reply in this thread
However I still hold on to my point, since as you said, when universe itself is infinite, then the humans are miniscule and don't really matter for the universe to exist, however I appreciate your point

>jews are scared of death, so they think I am
you will never be an Israelite

>it is still an infinitely short amount of time compared to the ETERNITY of never ending nothingness that will follow immediately after your demise. Death is the end, forever.

Another NONSENSE assumption.
If you really don't exist, then you will not experience any non-existence, so only existence exists.

So your stupid nihilistic pathetic assumption, typical from Jewish "thinkers", is not just stupid, but also illogical even in the context of your jewish materialist tras.

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The entropy chaos theory describes that even something insignificant like a human will have infinite influence on it's sorroundings

What gay flag is that lmao, stupid black monkey

Let me look it up fren, sounds interesting

I was planning on killing myself, I thought I'd be able to hold off for another year but looks like it will be sooner rather than later. I had a dream where I was sent to the outer dark the other night however and when I woke up I was relieved to be awake for once. The relief faded as always and now I'm back to wanting to kill myself. This subhuman existance is too torturous, I'm just looking for suicide methods now but I can't get the poison I'm after.

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>The exact moment of your death will be the most horrifically terrifying moment that you can imagine. At the moment when your brain realizes you are going to cease to exist and that you will NEVER see your family EVER again, your adrenal glands will overflow you with fear hormones such that you will experience terror the likes of which you cannot even imagine now.
except i can imagine it because ive experienced it.
about 3 montgs after i took salvia i was chilling smoking weed as normal when i felt a sudden rush and i completely dissacoiated. it felt like i left my body behind and no i was a single lone consciousness/soul in an infinate black empty universe forever.
it was as though my while life had been a dream, everyone id ever known had never existed and now i was awake i was alone in this void forever.
extreme existential dread is the only way i can discribe it and it threw my body into a panic attack and i came back to earth.

the experience only lasted maybe 20 seconds and it happened around 20 times over the next 2 weeks.

the way you describe it doesnt sound so bad because once youre gone its over.
if what i saw was what waits for us after we die then i want to live forever.

but i believe in God so i will be taken good care of.