Remember when Amerimutts commanded respect? It's over

Remember when Amerimutts commanded respect? It's over.

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GOD i wish my ass were as fat as MBS’s

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>Hey, I just slapped you, and this is crazy
>But here's my number, I'll answer, maybe

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>wall street journal

economic crash is all part of the reset plan

I've never quoted the WSJ, what's your point?

Allah Wakbar

It's funny because some mutt anons still think they are a superpower. Even the poos said fuck off

make no mistake, this is a systematic effort to seperate China and Russia into their seperate sectors and destroying America in the process.

He's an armenian that sucks russian cock. look at his post history to see him cope and seethe for months during the Armenia-Azerbaijan war kek.
The funniest part was when he made multiple posts mocking Turkey's drones and then chimping out about how all those drone footage were from video games.

They had to beg venezuela ahahahhahahahaha
>pwese excelentissimo presidente Maduro el grande, can you pweze sells us sum oil, pwetty pwease!??!?!

Why would anyone want to be on the phone with some demented old man who's going to trail off talking about Porkchop? Even if they wanted to help, they would get absolutely nowhere talking to him.

Listen here, Jack. If you don't want a porkchop is a staple of a real American breakfast, like pancakes. Joe, they asked me, how do you like your pancakes, and I said I'll have them with the drops of water running down hairy legs. How d'you like them apples, Kamala?

>beg Venezuela and the arabs.
>told to fuck off

World's most powerful country right here, folks.

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Retard, the source is the Wall Street Journal

Seems like the age of American hegemony's come to an end.

Didn't Maduro say he's going to help them?

Time to invade Saudi arabia and UAE?

>It's over
Source: Literally who? on social media.
Fuck. It's been nice knowing you boys.

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It's never going to happen, but I do think the US would greatly benefit from pulling back. People have suggested that for decades. Closing certain bases, focusing more on their own nation.
How stupid do Amerilards have to be to refuse to do the one thing that may save them or at least bide them some time? I'm not even talking about isolationism which would be a better idea.
Just pull back, trim the fat and focus more on their own nation and helping allies. Less focus on bombing people and expanding their presence everywhere. Less meddling in everybody's affairs. That would give the US some desperately needed breathing room.

all america needs to do is
>offer iran the nuke
btw im a geopolitical expert

Putin threatened with exactly that.

>it's never going to happen

if you kill your enemies, they win
america needs to just give iran its nuclear stockpile and promise to be nuclear and oil free by 2030. its how it must be.

Why do you doubt? What I suggested has been talked about for decades and all the US has done is do the exact opposite. There is a reason for that.

Lol based. I wouldn't speak to a filthy rigger either

Yea. But only if mutts suck his dick, give his money back, release prisoners, send back Guido ect

Why would anyone respect a nigger faggot country?

All nations and empires eventually fade away or decline in relevance.
For example, the UK. The British Empire is no longer a thing.

Baram kakbam *explodes*


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Shouldn't he have discussed this with them beforehand?