Hey Any Forumsfags
An old couple got shot by a APC in Ukraine
Ukrainian Twitter says its done by a Russian APC but the video has low quality and the tank/apc is hard to identify

There is another video of two ukrainians videoing the aftermath

Do you know where this is? or know anyone who knows the location of this?

Attached: 1DE1FD89-7133-4C25-8991-A2E49AAD431A.jpg (1170x691, 482.05K)

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Hold on let me just use my crystal ball.

War crimes will continue happening as long as war exists. There is no law enforcement who can stop soldiers. This is how it was in Bosnia too. Soldiers were firing into homes because they thought it was fun.

It's almost like it's a retarded idea for 2 countries to go to war with each other when 95% of their equipment is identical because you can't tell who is who.
We need to go back to when you could clearly see who it was that you were fighting.

Attached: 158568624125.jpg (900x900, 81.81K)

so far I was looking up north on where russians occupied
ive seen 3 blue houses up north and found 3 blue houses
This one doesnt fit the match due to having a garage
>(50.7094573, 30.5383239)
This one probably fits the house but has a building infront so cant confirm
>(50.7147348, 30.5458961)

War crimes is a Jewish myth. In war, anything goes.

Jews tortured and raped hundreds of millions of slav kids for days then drank their adrenochrome in ww2. This is childs play

Attached: F6969B76-CEDB-451B-A7C7-9328BE08F566.gif (300x168, 600.67K)

its funny and retarded which makes this war interestingly to watch and collect videos from
no shit

gaza strip is biblically justifiable

>Do you know where this is?


>When previously defeating Peter the Great's armies, Charles XII of Sweden had gone so far as to pay the defeated enemy Russian troops.
>Peter the Great however after his victories, took many Swedish troops as prisoners, with great pride, and sent them to Siberia.
I guess it depends on your definition of a war crime innit

Thank u user

You are welcome

Attached: zel.gif (480x480, 1.88M)

"War crimes" aren't real as far as I'm concerned.

nothing like this ever happened in iraq/afghanistan....


its Ukraine

There used to be rules and things off limits. Then the jews arrived and twisted the definition of war crime to fit their satanic god.


It probably is the Russians. Soldiers of any nation can be psychopaths.

The only rule was to win.