Bet you wish you bought a Tesla now instead of an oversized truck to compensates for your small penis...

Bet you wish you bought a Tesla now instead of an oversized truck to compensates for your small penis. enjoy paying half your wages on fuel you get no sympathy from me hahahahaa

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middle of nowhwere russia...

you think that's my town's actual gas prices? are you retarded? for what purpose does this thread exist?


Its $7.10 in parts of socal where I live. Its horrible. If you live in a less populated area, you're lucky.

your fault for living in a shitty state, user.

I'll start riding a horse before I buy a tesla glownigger

Everyone in a flyover state says that. cope more.

>Tesla now instead of an oversized truck
Tesla is still promising to make the biggest truck in this country

Higher gas prices are a small price to pay to get to drive around like I'm the big man. When I pull up at the lights in my truck and see a hot bitch in the car next to me I know she needs it and when I get home I masturbate over how there was a hot bitch next to me at the lights and how I was dominating the situation in my truck. If you think you can do that with a Tesla you're dreamin'

>defending commiefornia
you need to accept reality or just be ridiculed for being fucking stupid.
we don't allow you to have a stance any longer if you're wrong.
simple as.

The government is shit. The state is beautiful, amazing weather, lots of things to do, and not all of 'commiefornia' is pozzed. I live in a county thats highly conservative and white.

My 3k crown Vic that I can easily repair at home vs your 60k Tesla throw away car. That’s a lot of fuel fucko

Teslas are pure shit though. If you're going to buy an EV, go with a legit brand. Teslas have too many problems and they fall about after a few months of ownership. But no, will never buy an EV. NEVER. Take your liberal globohomo shit and stuff it up your asshole bongy boy.

>not all of 'commiefornia' is pozzed
>still pays sunshine tax for weather he can get in a much more affordable state that isn't ran by democrats
stop defending your bad decisions.

>oversized truck to compensates for your small penis
I am so glad that poor rural white trash americans in their lifted gay pickup trucks are getting squeeze hard now. Fuck those hicks.

No, just not retarded.

tell me what other state has the weather like Socal? Florida? lol.... its too humid for my tastes.

Keep the envy going... kek

>Bet you wish you bought a Tesla
My sled dogs don't get stuck in the snow and require a far shorter recharger time than some 100K toy. Also they listen to me not a server at globohomo HQ. Get fucked kike.

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why would i envy you, i live in texas.

i wonder who doesnt care...

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Even if gas was $10 a gallon it would still be cheaper than buying a new Tesla

which part?

San Antonio is boring as hell, Austin is pozzed more than SF, Dallas is flat, dull and boring, Houston is black and browned to hell and back as well as humid as fuck (well, all of texas is).

no thanks! HEB is getting pozzed along with whataburger.

>plebbit spacing
>hating on texas
i see the sino-soviet useful idiots are here.

>has to insult cause its true, texas is over rated as fuck
again, cope more envious fatty (the fattest state in the world is texas)

We're just going to have to raise taxes on electric car owners to help poor, gas children survive.

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Dude. Just move north. It's $4.06 in kern county

>he's still posting and he's not even from a real state


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>coping hard cause his state has no political, technological, economic, and social status and impact.

cope more you fat fucking mexitard mutts.

Fucking Moron Eco Terrorist you do know 1 rapid charge of you Tesla could power 120 houses for 1 day not only are they garbage but much worse on the environment

Very cool baby, now post the price of nickel

>now post the price of nickel
5 cents, duh..