How does one homeschool their children?

How does one homeschool their children?

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with patience.

This is quite literally the biological role of a woman. I know you’re all dysgenic incels but am I seriously the only person who managed to marry one that is capable of teaching a child 6th grade level concepts?

home-schooling will do nothing but make your kids mega autists

This is cope. My kids attend a homeschool group roughly 20 big once a week, and visit friends at least twice as often.

by turning off theirs (and your) Youtube and actually talking to them


Children need to be socialised for hours a day with other children to develop normally in all facets. Development is extremely nuanced thing and home schooled children are always weird and behave like little adults. School might be extremely flawed in many ways, but the socialisation aspect of it is crucial.

Only until the child is 7 years or so. After 5 or 6 years it needs a male presence to teach him some things.

You take a look at different curriculums from different good schools, mix and match what you think works out for your kid, take a look at the school books and buy the ones are better and you separate a time during the day so the child is taught.

Or you sign a homeschooling service that does it for you.

Once a week? Sorry bud, but your kids are going to be autistic as fuck. Most normal kids have at least 8 hours of intensive social activity every single day.

>attend a homeschool group
How is that homeschool? sounds more like fauxschool

Socializing a dumb kid with smart ones is perfect for one, bad for many. Socializing only is good if all kids have similar upbringings and parents have similar objectives. This is never the case because it takes one or two bad kids to ruin an entire class. A school with up to seven or eight kids per class, separated by sex, is workable, but never as good as your kid having a personal mentor.

you teach them about jews & niggers and then its playtime

I had teachers say and do all kinds of weird shit at school. I went to Catholic schools too and remained agnostic the whole time. If your kid needs homeschool to prevent them from being brainwashed then they were never gonna make it anyway

Lmao yeah Liam, keep oversaturating your kid with social interactions. Itll be awesome for future NPC tier adulthood.

Use an umbrella group so you don't have to answer to the state.

you stick out like a sore thumb

this is something I care about. It would feel odd to discuss it with people on Any Forums. I don't think they would understand.

>Socializing a dumb kid with smart ones is perfect for one, bad for many. Socializing only is good if all kids have similar upbringings and parents have similar objectives

dead wrong. The whole point of socialising is that you understand how to deal with people who are not like you. This is exactly what kids are learning to do day in day out.

It's only relevant for 90IQ kids who come from NPC families, being around them is actually detrimental for intelligent children. This will only teach them to be NPCs too by forcing them to adapt to the general retardation. It kills creativity and critical thinking.

That is correct if you want to teach a kid how to become a sociopath.