It's Over

Russia's Central Bank President wears black to symbolize the final death of Russia's Economy.

Attached: itsover.jpg (806x738, 109.24K)

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Unsurprising. They're basically finished as a superpower.

Attached: rubleusd.png (1090x443, 54.63K)

>also a domestic payment system and the payment card ‘Mir’
ah the bullshit that no one was accepting when i tried to purchase literally anything with it. fuck this dumb thot

Build back better.

Attached: 1646714091521.gif (400x300, 298.18K)

built for bbc

They were finished as a superpower on 25.12.1991

What is the difference between 'funeral' black and normal black? I have a very black t shirt, it looks even blacker due to the contrast between my pale skin, what type of black is this?

Are media just schizoposters?

is it member of the tribe?

One ruble is one ruble. The currency trading Jew can collect his short position from whatever slow goy he wishes.

>amerikike cartel attempts economic genocide on innocent civilians and businesses that have nothing to do with the war


Lmao classic western tactics

Attached: 1646113136784.jpg (1024x632, 113.08K)

>a superpower
Russia's GDP is half of the UK's or Germany's GDP. The "superpower" meme is over, it was just more Kremlin propaganda

>what type of black is this
that's called nigger black

>not seeing it is the west that is finished
you may deny it, but your subconscious knows, thats why you are all seething

Sell their icbms for like $1 billion each

Not the heckin central bank!

>economic genocide
The cope
What's next, the internet holocaust?

>internet holocaust
Yes, in 3 days.

Oh look, the demoralizing idiot leading is a woman. Shocking.

Central Bank is literally cocksuckers of FRS. If we are moving away from petrodollars, there's no need in it

>funeral black
The adjective in the article was "funereal" not "funeral".
Nice self-own.

As much as 60% of Russia’s wealth is estimated to exist offshore

Nothing to worry about.
It's either tax havens or bitcoins.

Attached: Putin oligarch friends and russian people.jpg (590x1800, 954.5K)