Putin targeting civilians

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Ukrops are also targeting civilians
Both sides are subhuman

just like america when it killed 1 million Iraqis over the decade

>Not jewish slaves
Hard to believe they are not im pretty sure they are all sub negro iq and jew slaves

If Putin wanted to “target” civilians, he would and the Slavic birth rate problem and the war would be over in a week. He incorrectly assumed the Ukrainians would be much more divided and not buying into NATO (((promises))) of gibs.

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There’s ultimately nothing wrong with killing civilians desu. The general public shouldn’t be disconnected from the harsh reality of war.

Wtf, I love potin now


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It’s a fair argument since America is acting like good bois who dindu nuffin. At least Ukraine is on Russias doorstep and has centuries old ties. It’s not like mutts bullshit wars for Israel aren’t recent or ongoing either.

those are just reddit tranny larpers going on a tour for karma. Karmas a bitch isn't it

>Putin targeting civilians
FUCK FACE, how many civilians Americans killed over the decades they were starting senseless wars ??

I'm no expert on people getting shot but if someone gets shot wont they fall face down or something not lie on their side?

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would you prefer ukraine to not have javelins? do you have a problem with ukraine's fight for it's own national identity?

>how many civilians Americans killed over the decades
Not nearly enough. The entire Middle East should have been glassed.

>closed eyes
you guys aren't as good at this as you think you are

They're trying to get the eyes off the lab news. You should have seen them sperging in the other thread. They are really desperate.

luckily the russians stopped shooting and set up a safe corridor so ukraine could get this photo op
>many such cases

Case of multiplying bodies.
Video - one body. Photos right after - several.


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The only problem is with fat American retards pontificating on geopolitical matters so ancient they predate the existence of their own soulless "melting pot "mess of a country. You created the situation Europe finds itself in today with your aggressive expansion just to clip the wings of an already defeated adversery.Just fuck off will you.

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