If he wanted to occupy Ukraine, he would have done it by now. It's just that Mr Putin cares about human life so much...

>If he wanted to occupy Ukraine, he would have done it by now. It's just that Mr Putin cares about human life so much, so he's taking it slowly.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>I'm BIDEN my time

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I'm kek'ing at the cope of Russian mongs on here.

I also understand he could throw a lot more shit on Ukraine and maybe win in a couple of weeks, but it'd be still a show of weakness at this point.

The reason he did not send the "proper" army units is because he really did expect Ukrainians just to stand down and switch sides, and for that you really don't need anything but some conscript kids.

Putin is delusional, much like most of this board. Watchin RT reminds me that Putin is most likely reading this board.

He thinks the West has a bunch of "silent majority" groups and Any Forums is the majority of opinions there, not just a bunch of shizo virgins LARP'ing.

Anyway I hate both Putin and the kike Zelenskyy, and Russia and Ukraine both are kike state.

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they are occupying ukraine though
unless you no longer consider the eastern half as ukraine

War is hyper consumption, one (( Boooom )) and $12 million tank is gone, meaning demand for another one and profit for those who produce. There is whole group of people waking hard day and night to make sure that consumption, demand and price will sky rocketing and continue as long as it possible.

Zelensky is on the cocaine OK?

People working so hard to create WW3 and chance to make it is so close ... so would you please shut a fuck up or make some line to get confidence.

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>if or if he doesn't win quickly, it's a sign of weakness
anyone with two IQ points to rub to together can understand how retarded you redditors are

right... this is a 'handbrake' invasion.

>couldn't win a fast war against an inferior country with 1/10th of the military I have
>not a weakness

Go eat your fucking porrige, fatty, men are talking here

>The reason he did not send the "proper" army units is because he really did expect Ukrainians just to stand down and switch sides
Putin expected a liberator's welcome, thet is true.
But the shitty condition his army is is in is just the resulut of corruption.
>Fuel sold by the commanders
>Vehicles sold by the commanders
>Masses of soldiers which don't exist keept on the payroll, their payment embezzled
>Replacement parts sold off by the commanders

We can not end war right now, we have to wait until Europe countries start to join in, then Putin will sand more troops and equipment and wait until more will be used from other side.

Aim is not to end war , but keep it burning because it is a life time opportunity to make real big (( Money ))









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Putino is a gentle soul who can't stand the idea of injustice.

Why won't the Ukrainians let them self liberated from the nazi's! Fucking jews.

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Putin is a gay faggot.

youtu.be/X6YeIM85SJg Vladimir Putin - "Empire of Lies"



youtu.be/5ESiqANzNpk russia send food

Jew rat Zelensky: no, I want make WW3, I don’t care about goyim at all, I am a jew.


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All trolling aside, im actually surprised by how humane this whole shit is going. Sure you have some gruesome footage, but considering the russian soldiers are on constant edge about being attacked by anything, they are showing some good restraint. If it was USA, i would expect at least 10x civilian casualties.

Zelensky lie about nuclear catastrophe

Nukes are jew rat hoax fear mongering

Zelensky need two more lines of coke!

Kike is high !

Attached: Zerlensky.png (708x406, 312.61K)

>usa need months in iraq, 1/3 the size of Ukraine
>NOOOO why don't the russian zerg rush Ukraine in 2 weeks like in Hearts of Iron 4????
the absolute state of reddit

Why would he want to rule the rubble? He wants to take it somewhat intact but his mongoloid horde army is fucking retarded.

Russia should have a much easier job to invade Ukraine because they have a direct border and supply line, its not hard to grasp Klaus.

They've broken three ceasefires and have shelled refugee corridors. What are you even talking about?

yea. why don't the russians carpet bomb ukraine with depleted uranium like the US. Weird huh

Putin is globohomo.
He's playing his job very nicely for the great reset.