TikTok Doctor Performed Breast Removal on "Trans" 13 Year Old Girl

Dr. Sidhbh Gallagher, originally from Ireland now in Miami. Refers to double mastectomy as "yeeting the teets" on social media. What parent allows their 13 Year old daughter to have her breasts lopped off under the guise of "gender affirmation"? What is this bitch's endgame?

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>originally from Ireland
Why do you let potato niggers in USA ? They just spread leftism.

The healthcare industry is fucking satanic, it's toxic cunts like this who make it even more of a hellscape.

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if some women dont want them and some women want implants why dont we just give the tits to the women that want them?

We need to hurry up and get the gas chambers up and running, this is getting out of hand

better if wymyn have no say in anything

You guys are just npcs with alex jones OS. You just repeat slogans all day long

>You guys are just npcs with alex jones OS. You just repeat slogans all day long

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Why didn't you save her, bros?

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yes let the few insane and retarded psychopathic 'doctors' and 'parents' dictate the law's - that will fix everything right?

Based mogging

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When did it become named "gender affirmation"?

please. Get a personality. Memes folders are not it. I just want the site to be better. Be more interesting. Enough with the copy/paste behavior

>You guys are just npcs with alex jones OS. You just repeat slogans all day long

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Fuck off.


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They change the name every few years to throw off the parents. When the parents show up to the school meetings and start bitching about gender confirmation then they will change it to gender reformation or something and say
>we never had gender affirmation in schools

>TikTok Doctor
enough. The slate needs to be wiped clean

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Yeeting the teets gets you bottle service. That's her sister and office manager on the right. She is dating a current FtM patient of her sister.

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When the titanic was sinking the irish were locked on lower deck. When usa stopped practices like these it all went to shit. Niggers and the irish are supposed to be slaves not surgeons and presidents

A 13 year old girl is not a woman. It is arguably the most irrational creature on the planet.

>What parent allows their 13 Year old daughter to have her breasts lopped off under the guise of "gender affirmation"?
attention starved single mom who brutalize their children to get some spotlight.

If it makes him happy, whats it to you?

This young man had his breasts removed and literally cried tears of joy.

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There will also be tears of joy as your body is rendered ash vampire.


>obvious childbearing hips no man would ever have

Kek now draft this zoomie and send her to Ukraine.

Go back

>There will also be tears of joy as your body is rendered ash vampire.

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If you want to play Frankenstein, just be a gender affirmation specialist. Somebody with the means needs to expose these people to the mainstream.

>Sidhbh Gallagher
Are potatoniggers directly related to streetshitters?