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Ireland is basically giving every pookrainian who wants to show up here permanent residence, a house, a medical card, and social welfare payments. They will also also allow pookrainians to kill random Irish homeless people without repercussions. Only if those homeless are white though.


good news

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>irishman calling anyone else poor

>schizoposting this early

no, "poo", not poor.

Damn Ukrainians really aren’t white.....


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Chad move with the arms b-be.. behind his back. That's right, make them want more, stud.

hoooo da fook are yew?

China has been doing this for years now in Eastern Europe, Ukraine and Russia. It is about time that Japan caught on and start accepting more immigrants.

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Yes, I need a Ukranian mommy to enslave me

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Not is Lady Tamamo-no-mae have anything to say about that

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Japan is always playing catchup with China

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good for you naruto, at least we know they cant get raped

Not even permentant residency. Kek.

When it comes to civility, Irish are the niggers of Europe so what’s wrong of accepting your own kind?

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I hope this shithole is next on the meat grinder. I would sell every single Romanian to have a chance to get "displaced" in Japan.

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Here, your Ukrainian waifus

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>the disgust and disdain on their faces

holy kek

I had a friend tell me to avoid Romania if I was going to vacation in Europe. What's wrong with the place?

Chinese people travel all around the world and migrant to every corner of the planet, so they are able to see the beauty of the world. Meanwhile Japanese just stay in their aging old boring country.

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based actually checking peoples backgrounds japan


Chinks want to leave China because it's a shithole

Japs stay in Japan because it's not a shithole


I wish I could move to Japan and live there for the rest of my life. It would also be the only country where if I lived in it and a war broke out, I'd fight for it. It's literally the last good remaining country on planet Earth.