I knew the day would come when we start taking power back from the matriarchy


>“It pisses me off that women must be valued more than men for any country to be considered progressive,” the 32-year-old business manager told VICE World News. A proud anti-feminist, Seo is part of a new and angry generation of young men in male-oriented South Korea fighting for what they see as “true gender equality." Korean men have had to shoulder a lot of burden for generations,” Seo said. “We do military service while women are free to go on with their lives. Where’s the justice in that?”

>Dominating headlines and leading the popular vote is candidate Yoon Suk-yeol, who represents the conservative opposition, the People Power Party (PPP). His policies range from pledging to abolish the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, also known as the women’s ministry, to increasing penalties for people found to be falsely accusing others of sex crimes.

>One supporter, a 15-year-old middle school student named Kim Ha-jin, is one young mind that’s been drawn in by Yoon’s rhetoric. Kim isn’t even old enough to vote, but he’s left with little doubt about whom he’ll back when he’s able. If I were a voter, I would vote for Yoon,” he told VICE World News. “This is because his pledge of abolishing the women ministry is what I have been waiting for. I think the ministry has done nothing and wasted our national budget.”

>“Korean feminists ridicule and degrade men and treat [us] like potential criminals,” Seong Bong-cheol, an ardent follower of the group on Instagram, told VICE World News. "I would vote for Yoon. He was the only candidate who said he would abolish the women’s ministry and I got interested in him because of the pledge.”

>“They are placing enormous pressure on [certain] candidates to promote their intentions of eliminating women’s rights from campaign promises. Yoon is one who actively embraces these illogical requests,” Han said.

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FUCKING BASED! FUCK FEMOID FUCKS! Feminists are the foot in the door to degeneracy and societal decay.

Westoid pozzed women can fuck off!

>semen terrorism
fucking kek

its just some boomer who uses these mostly irrelevant reforms to get the incel vote so he can decrease corporate and property taxes

Good luck gookbros! I hope you manage to kill off the feminist cult and slap your cunts into submission!

I'm happy for you, Korean bros.
I hope things get better for you and for incels all around the world.

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South Korean women are demonically evil

One of the main drivers behind it is Lee Junseok:

He is unable to become president himself being too young in gerontocratic Korea but i can see him president a few terms down the line

He is also somewhat of celebirty having been a contestant in several game shows

Anti-feminism is a reaction to some extremely rabid feminazis over there, which themselves are a reaction to Korean very strict, almost Islamic morality code.

Why do kikes do this?
Even half our women want ministry of equality gone.
Not that foreign opinion matters anyway

Ministry of gender equality*

이재명 투표하고 왔음

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Nothing what this guy said is Incel behaviour yet this seething roastie marks him as an incel just because he goes against radical femminist agenda...Wtf is this? How is this acceptable, saying that women should be doing military aswell is equality, wanting to abolish clearly female biased policies is equality aswell

What a friggin beast. I don't get why American politicians don't do something like that. Stop optics cucking and just go hard. People respect honesty. Just come out with a platform of women in the kitchen, no niggers, and no kikes. You'd literally win 90% of the male vote in this country, and even a shitload of women would vote for you because they're turned on by power.

>Why do kikes do this?
Glad you korea bro's know of the jewish question. Be sure to spread the word about how they aim to spread degeneracy and corrupt values so they can weaken your society for easier control. They are the synagogue of satan. Make sure your people know.

Revelation 3:9

Based, me too.

>saying that women should be doing military aswell is equality
Women asked for equal rights, not for equal duties.
Women live in a magical fantasy world where rights should just be given to them without their having to give anything in return.
Which is why they also complain about the "gender pay gap", since they expect equal pay even if they're less productive than men and they cost more to employers thanks to maternity leaves.

Equality isn't real. Belief of it is driven by leftists living in a fantasy world constructed by their globalist TV talking heads.

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Wait no, I thought you said 윤석열
You voted for 찢? The fuck is wrong with you, faggot?

I've been following the Korean election and j would have voted for Yoon purely because he looks less like a corrupt boss from the Korean spy dramas I have seen. The other guy looks in like a caricature of a secret bad guy.
There was a hammer attack yesterday on the opponent guy, I think a top aide for smashed with a hammer at a rally.

Women without strong masculine authority are evil.

Suck it faggots. You lost.
Down with feminazis.

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My brain fucked up and I misread it as 윤석열 투표하고 왔음
Voted for 윤 today, in person. No mail vote fuckery.

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I almost never watch TV, but on the rare occasions when I have watched it I have noticed that there is a dystopian ad promoting gender equality that is often aired on state-owned TV channels. It's slogan is "equal but different".
Italy seems done for. We're not as bad as America yet, but we're getting there.

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Who knows how long we all really have, y'know? Memento mori.

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If 찢 gets elected it's over for korea. 4대전범 commie fucker

If we go down the entire west is going down with us.

I have a question, why do you refer to the candidates with their (I assume) korean names instead of the translated name?

it needs to happen for the world to heal. Kikes must be purged off the face of the earth

The most relevant question, how will norks reacts to this?

we are used to see it in korean, so it is strange to write it translated

Well, lee's nickname is 찢(JJit) or rip/tear, because of a leaked audio footage where he threatened to rip his sister in law's pussy. It's what gook conservatives refer to him as

이재명 is a CCP asset so they want him

beyond based

>Women without strong masculine authority
this is why korean women are eager to genocide this low T mystery gender. see the birthrate (record world's lowest at 0.8 )

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The current liberal president is china's bitch. Lee would become china's human carpet

It's always such a ride to read that