There's been an uptick in glowtard activity so I feel like they need to be put in their place

There's been an uptick in glowtard activity so I feel like they need to be put in their place.

Definite signs of some alphabet shill
>Australian flags, American and Polish flags have glowie team operations
>posting "dead russians" is a definite glowie favorite
>Twitter celebrities which brainlessly appeal to amerikike idol worship
>comparing Ukraine to Marvel heroes
>any capeshit analogy
>Anything reposted from glowie astroturf central Red-dit
>"How can Ukraine be Nazi if Zelensky is Jewish"
>"R-Russian p-people a-actually h-hate Putin"
>Calling Russia imperialist/empire
>referencing any western outlet (CIA think tanks) as a source Reuters, Nytimes, BusinessInsider, CNN, Bloomberg, etc.
>referencing self reported stats by Ukraine as fact (wartime propaganda)
>never mentioning NATO in the argument
>never mentioning CIA coup in Ukraine
>never mentioning historical context (Putin is just insane guys!!11)
>always using fake consensus "we" "everyone" "the international community" in their speech

Tons more just practice some slight discernment and you'll see the GLOW

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Take your meds. No one with actual power cares about basement dwelling retards ranting about things they have a mem level understanding of.

>w-we aren't h-here trying to shill amerikike o-opinions

Hi glowie

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there are also other patterns, these faggots are on the clock you can tell that they have non-working hour intervals lmao. Fucking faggots.

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Monke meme is definitely glowie op lol

and a pretty bad one, it's low effort IQ, but what would you expect from retarded glowies.

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>only being skeptical against one particular side
you’re transparent

Any Forums is a non-normie site. You stick out like a tranny "cyber soldier" kyle or whatever your amerimutt name is.

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if you want to be non-normie, try digging further than normalfag mainstream r*ssian propaganda (that is, in terms of numbers, more popular than the western one)

the rusia monke meme is an Any Forums meme from years ago made because either a russian or an anti russian (i forget which) janny chimped out and started deleting threads about russia.
it's not a glow op it's simply a meme from another board co-opped to anger (you).
it's the same reasoning behind why people post those unfunny horse neigh/flart/ruptured testicle/fligu gigu shitposts on /wsg/ and /gif/. not because they're actually funny. but because they anger so many people.
now show flag faggot

>pro russia

>we are the underdog

Opinion discarded lmao

>glownigger fishing thread to make user tell you how else you're spotted
ain't happening today

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>glowtards never have they ever stolen and used symbols and movements! ehehe trust me I'm one of you

I am laffing. Glowies in america love using pepe to be trendy you know.

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it’s ok to cope
just remember that your own opinion falls exactly in line with the most mainstream russian one, that dozens of millions of people support

No, anyone who unironically supports Russia is a slave and bootlicking Authoritarian endorsing shit stain.
Russia hasn't been free for over one thousand years, it will fall as it always does, it is not in Russian blood to win. Your time is over, your dreams are as dust and you cannot move forward, bound forever by the chains of your masters.
The west will also fall, in time. But not yet.

Considering you'd get arrested for posting anything pro-russia apparently I would expect there to be actual glowies especially from euros.

fresh bread has been baked, glowie free here fren

>touched the glowie nerve
The amerikike empire is collapsing :) you got kicked out of afghanistan :) you can't protect puppets like ukraine :) your economy is circling the drain :) the average american wants to burn everything down because of inequality :) you can only lie and spread slander with your shills and outlets :)

But that isn't enough to save you :) Your sins have finally caught up :)

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saying it's a glowie op implies that the entire meme is a glowie op. nigger.
is pepe a glowie op? no.
do the glowniggers USE pepe in their glow ops? yes.
same thing here.
you saying "Monke meme is definitely glowie op lol" is retarded
it is not a glowie op. it is being used by glowie ops.

>russia is mainstream
Show me. You can't lmao

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>There's been an uptick in glowtard activity so I feel like they need to be put in their place.

alright, I got it.

I've got information that will lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton and the dissolution of the Clinton foundation.


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>There's been an uptick in glowtard activity
Why yes government agencies are here looking at shitposts of people that hold 0 political party irl. Sure why not.

yeah. the narrative atm is;

>lets kill those evil whi- i mean jewish funded nazi ukrainians !! haha yeah!!!