/nzg helicopters in the hills edition


Meet the Locals: Deer recovery

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bad baker bakes based bread

They do that so we can't be self sufficient. They want our forests sterile and silent

Fuck fucking air friers.

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yeah, doc needs to go

the feels. courts took my kids away to suit my narcissistic lying cunt of an ex . i hope she fucking dies of cancer, so we can look back at her through rose tinted glasses and she can't fuck my beautiful kids up

She's gonna vax them

Doc are just golems, weird bush aspies, they have no idea about the agenda.

Relatively big contingent of them resisting their vax mandate right now I hear

So there must be some good cunts

Nah fuck them, if they poison animals they can poison themselves

probably. she pretends to love them, but hates them not worshipping her.

No, it was literally capturing deer with helicopters and taking them to your farm.

>Whoever posted “don’t imagine a chicken on a couch” or similar last thread.
Thanks for the image mate, but don’t need to.
Spent toon a mate’s farm last year - someone dropped off some orphaned goats.
He felt sorry for them being outside. Put them in the laundry with dog baskets and a heater.
4 & 5yo felt sorry for them in the laundry. Brought them inside.
Now they now have 3 house goats.
It’s pretty nuts. Initially they were pleased about wood floors, but now they piss n shit outside, are allowed on the furniture, and sleep with their head on your lap like a dog.
It’s pretty hilarious, but they keep his house lawn short, and behave 75% like a dog.
Pic is day 2 from a few years ago.

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i had two pet goats once. they were awesome. used to come for bike rides with me. Was going to eat them, but they got head hunted to stud at a goat farm

that's a beautiful photo. happy kids

A story so often told.

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inshallah sunni islam for north island 2050

Sounds like a psycho two faced bitch so no wonder the court went in her favour

this is my fear. My beautiful boy lied to, thinking I have abandoned him, instead of being bound by fucking parenting orders and threats of jail.

as i said,i hope she fucking dies of cancer. this is the only place can say it, too.

Jacindy is on meth for real.

courts took my kids away to suit my narcissistic lying cunt of an ex .
Don’t give up mate. Mine tried that shit.
Took a few months and 12K+, also had to change job because I couldn’t handle 2 high stress situations at once.
I now have full custody, and she can see him when I consent.
Because I’m not a complete cunt, I leave this largely up to him to decide.
Regardless of my opinion of her, and my hopes and dreams of her reactions to vax and covid, she’s his mother and he loves her.
Anything that happens to her would be regrettable. For him.
Win your case, but don’t be a cunt when you do, for your child’s sake.
Be the better person.
And be the winner.

yeah, i can't be a cunt. she's their mother, they need to be able to see her and spend time with her. But still. if she died they'd get that awesome memory of how wonderful she was, without it ever needing to be spoilt by reality, and I won't have to watch my back for the rest of my life.

who was your lawyer? I fired my first one, was gaslighting me.

Theoretically, if you gave her something that gave her blood clots (idk), the pathologist would go out of his way to insist that the death was natural and not unheard of for someone of her age kek

>thinking I have abandoned him
That's just one of the many goals they had in mind when the kikes fucked up marriage laws etc.
Destroy families and make next generation misfits.

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Does anything interesting happen in fake australia?

A strong core of the anti 1080ers used to be ex doc staff, but I'm sure it's still mostly dominated by psychopaths like the rest of the public service.

No where near as bad as say the ministry of education or ministry of transport though

on the news tonight: iwi want 50% control of our shores
apparenty council owned isn't good enough, despite council supposedly being elected in a democracy
iwi believe they should own 50% and a majority of 75% required for any decision (so nigs in council + at least 25% of iwi voting yes)
they say this "is not a power grab" and is about "water being important to maori"
this is what happens when you let leftists in power! fantastic isn't it?

My dad's ex had my family's last name for 20 years and have kids who are unrelated who have our my last name. She recently changed it back because of the Maorification of everything and how you get free shit if you're Maori, fucking evil.

Or adderal

As far as government agencies go they stand out from the rest at least. A lot of outdoors guys are weirdos, I know a lot who found out that when it was 65+ only you could go at the end of the day and get done with shots about to expire and they all told each other and went and got it. Land SAR are all mandated too

Guys, I was at the wellington protest and I got a bunch of other peoples poop on me, I think it has caused me to develop a poop feitsh.
Are there any escorts you know that will poop on you for money

You all know where this is heading. White people will be forced out of NZ, but pajeet and sandnigger will stay. We will be forced to return home, only there is no home to return to.

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Just move to India.

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just have children with a chingchong, they are obviously the masterrace, otherwise white people wouldn't be comitting mass suicide

No, still a weird little covid prison run by a psychotic smiling pr lady

What is up dork

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Zindels in Nelson.
I forget his name. Ask for the shaved head chap.
He’s sharp af, and even after years of forestry, mining ,and fishing, in management positions, he made me nervous.
As I recall he’s $285/hr and charges by minimum 15min or part thereof. This may be a text. His name will come to me. Will post soon.