While we all where distracted with WEF Chreography of Pookraine and Pussia, Germany made the final tunings to get the Vax mandated past the constitution.
> German Constituten (Grundgesetz) will be changed

Translation of Picrel:
> At first I couldn't believe what I read. In the background of what is happening in the eastern part of the world, in the Reichstag building in the Bundestag, quite strange draft laws are being presented - to put it mildly - clandestinely, in which the effective legal protection according to Article 19 Paragraph 4 of the Basic Law is also to be undermined and, for example, an arbitrarily adjustable interval -Obligation to take part in a medical trial (since only conditional approval by the EU) with mRNA substances if impermissible sanctions are to be imposed. This draft law is intended to create an enabling law by 2023 and, beyond that, may be compliantly extended. According to the draft law, the Bundesrat should also be allowed to be left out in some parts of the authorizations.

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Other urls found in this thread:


> There are actually some members of the Bundestag who believe they are empowered to want to override the scope of protection under Article 2 of the Basic Law for all German citizens, would accept bodily harm or death as a result of vaccination damage and also the entire obligations for examination obligations would want to suspend the AMG, even before a drug to be tested would have to be approved in the first place, instead of being stuck in the 2nd and 3rd study. Such draft laws could violate the rule of law under Article 20(3) of the Basic Law and international law. Just a week ago, the New Zealand supreme court declared that the planned vaccination requirement for the police force violated human rights and international law. Among the applicants for the said law are, among others, the Federal Foreign Minister, the Federal Secretary of State for Culture and Media, the Federal Health Minister and, frighteningly, even the Federal Chancellor himself. Apparently, the German Basic Law and international law no longer seem to provide a red line for this. There are over 200 MPs. What a shame. My recommendation of a newly founded trade union, which also turns to the courts because of state official liability, is this one: gg-gewerkschaft.de And here, the draft law described

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Stop them

are they legit schizos? why would they still push this failed abortion instead of using the opportunity to escape the corner they put themselves into?

They don't have a choice. They're zogbots and if they don't do what Schlomo wants they're fucked.

Till next year. Ye I can't see that happening

Why wouldn't they? They're still payed or blackmailed by big pharma who's even stronger than 2 years ago.

Even with those US biolabs that are fallen under Russian occupation, they have bussiness to run. Even more so.

Their primary goal was never to "murder population", it was to keep population addicted to vaccines and drain goverments money forever.


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You think this has anything to do with the hoax anymore?
No, this is all for fucking schwab demands that everyone is poisoned.
No test group, no links to the billions of deaths as everyone is equally at risk.
He's a fucking lunatic!

Fuck globalhomo!

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this is why I support russia, at least that way eurocommunists will have to wrestle with putin who gets to clotshot the cattle

Shills don't want the truth to be heard, that's why they're furiously bumping Russia now.
They want it to be a "oopsie, this happened while you were distracted" as gestapo smashes your door down.

Just be distracted with Ukraine, goi, don't mind the communism, goi

Fuck globalhomo!

your pic is why i can't take lolbergs seriously, Schwab is a Leninist communist, not a natsoc.

given how things went the last years, i'm pretty much down to put our Berlin politicians against a wall.

Why not? Did the marches stopped anything?
The sad truth is democracy is working as planed and they have no need to suggest or scare the cattle. They will take it or end up homeless.

Did Russia followed the WHO mandates?
Heard the vaccines were not made mandatory but they implemented a QR tracking code.

Austria dropped the vax mandate

They got pretty close to, they dropped a lot of pressure over January, afaik St. Petersburg it's still a qr code hellhole and random parts of Russia have random shenanigans going on

Didnt they got 100% triple busted already?
Appreciate it user.

>Didnt they got 100% triple busted already?
I don't know i stopped caring about numbers regarding the fake virus in early 2020


> picrel
Fucking inbred retards.

> two steps forward one step back
> monkey buisness illusion
> distract, deceive and destroy
You fall for this again and again.

The point of no return was reached already.

This wont stop

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Yes, mask mandates, qr codes, partial lockdowns, my dad (62 yo) still writes weekly statements at work why he is still not vaxxed.
They also made a law couple of days ago about Sakhalin "decarbonization" to follow climate change agenda.
I don't belive in this fake confrontation that is happening right now. Seems like all parties play their roles perfectly.

>tell boss ive had contact with a rona person
>get homeoffice rest of the week
>did fuckall so far
your taxes at work :)

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>first let people take the vax voluntarily
>then find out how many can be coerced into taking it
>start a war in europe, wait for a new virus and forcibly jab the rest

>They also made a law couple of days ago about Sakhalin "decarbonization" to follow climate change agenda.
Well that put my doubts Putin wasnt another vassal to the WEF.

Election year in Austria by any chance?

Its a show, and the west is exercising in lowering standards of living for the sake of "enegretic safety" which is quite reasonable. Our golem in charge is following their orders.

well great.. this is what you get after a pol break, just to see the reasons why you need pol breaks.
cya on the streets krauts.

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this, it was only delayed for now... expect it to become active next flu season

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