>putin is the bad gu-

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Christianity is a stupid sand people religion

Cherry picking I see.

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so when did you understand that this is a clash of civilizations and neither side will give up until there's a new world order?

He's literally reading a script.

>Recognizes that the west is a multicultural nightmare and has lost its religious backbone
>Admits Russia has been dealing with its grouped ethnic groups from the Soviet era
These two are not mutually exclusive.

Multi-ethnic tied by 1 culture with Christian traditions — classic Imperial way of organizing the society. God, Americans are so dumb.

Putin is A bad guy.
He's just not THE bad guy.

Even a bad guy can have some redeeming qualities.

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He's learning as he goes?

> from the Soviet era
From the pre-Empire era to be honest.

Based. But, now I know how Christians in the West will eventually be rounded up and killed by the Beast: The Antichrist. Just being Christian will be seen as being a Putin ally, our demented governments will make this a Progressive Liberalism vs "Evil Christianity" war.

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kill all americans

yeah this is totally the same as whites and blacks in america.

fucking 65 iq american.

Putin rejected globhomo after understanding it's really a satanic enterprise of deshumanization, demoralisation to the benefit of a small cabal. Klaus Schwab immediately unleashed war against him. Notice that all the NATO warmongers are WEF puppets.

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As opposed to a teleprompter like western leaders?

that bloke needs to take his hat off.
so rude to sit in front of other people with a hat on.
typical Moslem.
Christians remove their
hats in church.

He'd denazify Jesus with chechen assassins

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Russia has more draconian hate speech laws than most of the West.

Which is gay and results in a dysgenic mutt race with all unique traits lost. At this point how is it much different than the global homogenization of globohomo?

USA and Europe has more Muslims idiot

Russia has it's share of niggers too.

and Russia has the most muslims in Europe

And they eat pork and drink vodka. They are as Muslims as we are Orthodox.