NATO to launch an accountability Patriot missile for every Russian child

Russian children are now being hunted in the west after Ukrainians ordered the hits, because, they argue, Russian people aren't really people but "a cultural product." I'm not making this up.
>Some Ukrainian Montrealers had emailed the OSM to ask it to cancel Malofeev's performances, saying it wasn't about his stance on the war but about promoting a Russian product, in this case a "cultural product."

Users on twitter are celebrating the children targeting, and calling for a missile for every Russian child.

Attached: targeting russians.png (640x253, 23.99K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Animalistic bumping noises

It's probably for the better if Russia has no future generation. Only NATO ally kids matter to me.

Reminds me NATO are now creating a BDSM sex camp for children staffed by "ally" pedo women who say toddlers should masturbate

I don't want to search for it but it was all over right-wing twitter yesterday


lol I was waiting for this country to start hating russian subhumans. hopefully next time they fly around in our arctic we shoot them down

truly the descendants of Khazars

Attached: 1646817612575.webm (464x925, 398.46K)

There is no canadian arctic. You are a northern US state along the border, and everything in the north belongs to Norway, England, and Russia.

Liberals and Fascists are as different as Sadists and Masochists.

I will have a look, it's likely true.

>wE aRe ThE gOoD gUyS

Attached: 1531531118840.jpg (719x697, 67.99K)
how the hell does an account with 3000 follower get 0 likes and replies


Because they are persecuting the Russian people

I'm so tired of Globohomo's hypocrisy.

Attached: genocide.png (890x775, 42.87K)

you could wipe out the entire russian "race" and the world wouldnt fucking change at all

>Abhorrent post

>Only NATO ally kids matter to me.
Only America's bitches lifes matter*

Are you retarded?

Damn for a second you made me smile because I thought it was real.

Funny how Putin was right about western fascists trying to genocide Russians all along.

>normies' moral authority

I'm screencapping all demented normishit COVID and Russia posts.
Normcels will NEVER have any ounce of moral authority over anything ever again

Attached: images (27).jpg (253x199, 13.65K)

Let's hope this happens. Then I won't have remorse doing same to all westerners.

I'm guessing he wasn't jewish.

BEHOLD western values. Cancel this, Cancel that, Love Cunts.

>I'm not making this up
Yes you are Vladimir. is a russian spy now? lmao