
Silver Ends the Fed - Redbull Edition

Why silver:
>comex is about to crash, google it
>silver is a more stable but less profitable investment than crypto
>silver is easy to barter with if Shit Hits The Fan (SHTF)
>money is a worthless piece of paper with no backing

Back your money in silver!

Fuck all jannies. All Jannies are black gorilla niggers who don't own any silver. They are mad at these threads because they didn't think to buy silver in time before the collapse of the comex.

If you ban me I will not care. I am not afraid of being banned ever. Whenever you face a censor always double down. Give me the perma ban I don't care. It is my patriotic duty to post this thread.

To any and all shills. This is not an anti crypto thread. This thread does not claim that silver has a higher return than crypto.

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Silver is worthless
Get gold instead.

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If you can afford gold go for it I can't afford it.

Most poor people like me see silver as fractional gold.

How much will silver be worth after the habbening?

Silver will moon in price very briefly but only because the dollar will be worth much less than silver. Then the price will stabilize. It will be a one time spike.

Silver price was shorted noon march 8 est.

Bing changed their graphs now so it doesn't show the same way anymore

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Many years ago, the money changers realized that national debt levels and the levels of money printing they were engaging in were unsustainable with any kind of reasonable bond yield levels the market could sustain. The interest on 1 trillion debt at 17 or 18% interest as occurred in the 1980s would be absolutely impossible to sustain at current debt levels of 28 trillion, but with 30 year bond yields at 2%, they can kick the can down the road for a few more years.

To keep bond yields low, the money changers also needed to trick the markets into thinking inflation is LOWER than the bond yields they require, as nobody would buy 2% yielding bonds if inflation was obviously 5%.

They learned that they could drag the entire commodities market lower by controlling the price of precious metals. The price of wheat for example was dragged into a brutal bear market for the last 10 years at the same time as the gold bear market.

They also learned that the silver market was much smaller than the gold market, no nations used it for monetary purposes, and very few had strategic stockpiles of the metal.

By suppressing and controlling the tiny 20 billion dollar silver market with 5 trillion dollars of notional derivatives trading, they could force gold’s price down, which is always tied in a ratio range with silver (historically around 1:15 or so). If you'll notice, when the gold and silver ratio are at the highest peaks, the price of the metals are near their lowest troughs.

By controlling silver, they could force gold to act in turn, which is used as an inflation signal for the broader commodities market which supported the continuation of artificially low bond yields and an impossibly high level of national debt.

As the silver suppression ponzi scheme unravels, bond yields will spike, taking down the financial system.

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Fiat currencies are always under threat from silver & gold. Since silver is the people's money, active suppression on the silver price protects the Federal Reserve, ECB, and the central banks who rely on shorting and spoofing the futures market to prop up the dollar, the euro, etc. Since the central banks hoard gold and neglect silver -- which historically traded at a ratio of 16:1 -- we can dethrone the dollar and euthanize the euro with a short squeeze that decouples physical gold and silver prices from the phony paper price.


Fiat currencies fleece the public of their purchasing power with the insidious tax of inflation. They enable wealth gaps, usury, and war.

MUST WATCH: youtu.be/iFDe5kUUyT0


The Fed's end is inevitable. Fiat money is a dying beast and a short squeeze on the COMEX can paralyze it while the sword of truth lands the death blow. Unbacked fiat is severely weakened after suffering Covid lockdowns, the supply chain dismantling, and an escalating abandonment of faith in the US dollar. At some point, one single ounce of Ag will be one too many. It's only a matter of time.


Videos: pastebin.com/cufv9frt
Books: pastebin.com/qRrSduEt
Dealers: pastebin.com/9feTTxM2


Stack physical silver! Your worst case scenario is that nothing happens and you sell it back to the dealer. At best, you prosper after SHTF. Have patience. Don't overextend your budget. Stockpile water filtration, emergency food, and any other survival items you can. Crush all demoralization shills under your boots with ruthless efficiency. Post your stack if you please. This is our Great Reset, not theirs. They will eat the bugs. And there's not a fucking thing they can do stop us.

REMINDER: If you don't see an "End the Fed" thread, make one!

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Any word where Chris Duane went to? I miss watching his recent schizo videos.

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silvers true price is over 70k per oz

Here is some deep conspiracy stuff and you may want to screenshot this.

The elites are all run by freemasons, gnostics, and people who believe in things similar to talmudic law.

In their religion they can not do something to us unless it is with our consent, otherwise they have sinned and will be punished.

Just like the vaccine there is always the choice not to take it. They give you a way out.

The dollar has been taxation on us for many years but the average individual has always been able to choose of their own free will to curb their bets against the dollar with silver.

So basically by switching your currency to silver you are allowing yourself to escape a very jewish plot which in their religion has allowed them to tax you under your nose.

"nobody *forces* anybody to use the dollar tee hee".

mark my words this is part of the satanic plot of the cabal is to keep people unaware of silver.

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I just like shiny rocks and pretending I am a pirate.

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I'm so happy to have physical that shorts can't cover with.
It's not much but I'm doing my part.

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$1000 oz silver NOW or I rope

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>silver instead of the red pill because if you buy it you wake up in nightmare world of less than inflation returns

I was briefly at Earl status but dipped below again :(
Need to stack more.

dew it kant

Unrelated, what are petrol prices looking like for you? Last I saw was around 22kr/L, curious if that's changed.

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Silver does not end the FED. i really want it too but it just doesn't.

Still the same, electricity prices are very high as well. Everything sold to us is targeted with heavy taxes so they can send more money to foreigners, while oil and electricity sold to foreigners is sold cheap.

All politicians and establishment in every country deserves a shallow grave at this point.

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Price spike -> sweet 1:20 ratio with gold -> make my trade into gold -> price stabilizes -> go back into silver