Ukraine refusing non whites

Racist fucking cunts.

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This means that this ZOG war was made specifically to kill whites (and to slide covid).

The European Army formed up from among Belgian, French, and German youths will be brown and Moslem and it will march East, first to sack Poland for their racism, and then on into Russia to kill as many white men as possible.

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from what I've heard they aren't accepting people who don't have previous military experience anymore, unless you have some other skills such as paramedic, speak the language etc

Fuck everyone involved, kek

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Sorry goy, we're only looking to kill WHITE people

Praise Z!

Maybe pic is unrelated and it was some daft obese cunt.

At first they thought it would be hard to beat russia. But it turns out theyre all bark and no bite. Youre fighting some shit hole 3rd world country the size of moscow. Its like fighting Guatemala. Im not even sure they have nukes.

Naive dumbass has learned the racist nature of Ukrainian Nazis

>he would be a liability

He has no military experience.

What did you expect from litteral nazie larpers?

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Aryans have a right to exist kike nigger.
t. Native American

You scream nazi at everyone while Chechen's come to pretend they are in university to kidnap your gf and take her back to Dagestan. Youre fucking pathetic. Many such cases.

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>No Chechen are Russian too so it doesnt matter they kidnapped my gf and force converted her to Islam in Dagestan...At least im not a NAZI!!

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Based nazi Ukies.

pathetic mutt.

excuse me sir, he has dark white skin

R-rule B-Brittania

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This. They only accept people with military specialities, paramedics and, funnily enough, priests.

The left unironically supports Ukrainian nazis now. What to you expect.

No they accept anyone until they realized Russia is like fighting Guatemala. They would accept anyone and hand them a gun but the tune change...for some reason...The reason is pretty obvious.

There were news about high ranking chechen police officer kidnapping some guy's bride and taking her as his third wife against her will. Russia is dystopian even by medieval standards.


Hey, dont police my mind for nazi thoughts and I wont police your mind for gay thoughts. I dont think any modern national socialist is looking for a mass gay extermination with the core tenants being the 14 words here. Personally I never gave a fuck if some girl scissors some other girl.

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He has no military experience or skills that they can translate to service. A ton of redditards have been turned away as well. If you have IT experience though they'll put you to work though so this nigger doesn't even have a CompTIA on him.

The only time almost anyone was accepted was arming Kyiv militia in the first day of invasion. Now they have a decent pick of volunteers and try to avoid a liability of a person holding AK for the first time as they are unironically more dangerous than average russian soldier.

I'm speaking from personal experience of visiting drafting point and repots of friends in the army.

Watch this “volunteer” in action:

>prison tat on eye
>interviewer mentions the profession of his friend next to him, but not him

This guy is screaming gangbanger, looking to pick up combat skills he could bring back to the streets of Bongistan. Of they turned him away

Most of us cant speak Ukrainian or Russian and cant tell the difference by sight. Thats a huge liability. But if Zelensky thought he was done for, I think he would continue allowing anyone willing to join for the resistance fighters that come after a Ukraine collapse. The action of denying untrained foreigners speaks 1,000 words to me.

If youre that guy and realizing you dont have the skills. Enroll in a CPR class then start training for the EMT test or at least watch a bunch of prepmedic on youtube. especially if youre self aware enough to realize you cant tell the difference between a russian and Ukie.