/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #465 NEW MAP EDITION

Previous: ▶WARNING
Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.

>Ukrop 93rd mechanized attacks east of Dnipropetrovsk, losing 250 soldiers and 18 combat vehicles
>No major Russian movement on 03/08 due to potential direct negotiation with Putin-Zelensky
>Biden's oil requests snubbed by Saudis, UAE, OPEC
>US demanding “part or whole” of Venezuela oil production to ease sanctions on Maduro
>U.S. Deputy Sec of State Nuland admits to biolabs in The Ukraine
>China demands the US release more details regarding the 26 US-backed bio labs in Ukraine ASAP
>Putin signs decree banning exports from Russia, imports to Russia of certain products & raw materials until 2023
>Berdyansk, Kherson, Irpin, and Energodar have fallen - Mariupol, Kiev, Kharkiv are surrounded and besieged
>US has banned russian oil, gas and coal imports
>US gas prices hit 4.17$ a gallon, an all time high
>Zelensky “ready to recognize” Crimea as Russian
>Zelensky: No longer interested in NATO
>Kiev Surrounded, M30 east of Kiev has Russian vehicles
>Ceasefires violated again after foreign students were evacuated
>Irpin and Kiev mass exodus happening
>Irpin street fighting, Russia 22km from Kiev center
>Russia: Evacuation from Mariupol, Melitopol, Byrdansk prevented.
>European natural gas hits 2500, then 3800 euro/1000m3, a 6x increase in one month
>Russia encourages Russian websites to migrate to Russian hosts in leaked documents
>Russian MoD dropped new info confirming the presence of US-backed bio labs in Ukraine


▶Non-Shill Sources

▶/chug/ Template & Resources

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Addendum to latest news but too wordy for OP

>america publicly demanding venezuela give part of its oil production to US as part of any easing of sanctions
>gas at all time high, likely to go up even more since joe hiden banned racist chud oil and got told to fuck off by opec
>natural gas for heating in europe now 8x higher than three weeks ago
>nickel has gone from 20k to 100k a ton in a week, nickel is the most important resource for electric car, battery, and other network needs
>wheat just keeps going up, america cant afford to cover the rest of the western world supply
>brazil tepidly neutral in the whole thing, just wants to make money
>india more and more pro-russian since maximum indians were being held hostage by ukrops
>venezuela might fleece the US by selling dirty oil at a huge markup (now very unlikely)
>iran probably going to have US begging for oil next
>OPEC already openly stating non involvement, leaning to russian sympathy because muh houthis
>poland trying to shyster the US by sending old MIGs to germany, and trading for new jets. Mostly because america/UK wanted to facilitate arms transports through poland, leaving poland exposed to retaliation
>China demanding to know everything about US biolabs worldwide

All in the last 48 hours

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Why is he such a fucking idiot bros?

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>Ukrop 93rd mechanized attacks east of Dnipropetrovsk, losing 250 soldiers and 18 combat vehicles
Any noteworthy Russian losses?

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I don't care if Russia's gonna win or lose.

I just want EU and NATO to lose.

>oland trying to shyster the US by sending old MIGs to germany, and trading for new jets. Mostly because america/UK wanted to facilitate arms transports through poland, leaving poland exposed to retaliation
Smart Pollacks


Attached: zzz.jpg (1209x1720, 555.17K)

Дoбpoe yтpo мoи pyccкиe дpyзья

>Reports that Russian forces along the line Melovoye-Markovka-Starobelsk have reached the border of Kharkov oblast, linking up with units of the northern group coming from Belgorod. Would imply that half of the entire Ukrainian Donbass group is now encircled (the Lugansk group)

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Make Ukraine Great Again!

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That image haha

Kadyrov just BTFO'd every single Ukrainian internet warrior.

LATEST DANZIG MAPPER MAP: youtube.com/watch?v=oMRtUsqcWo8

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Based upside down poland

New eastern front map

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Death to r*ssians subhumans

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Дoбpoe yтpo spiderbro


Enjoyable breasts.

So wait what happened with the negotiations? Are Ukraine going to agree or is the war back on today.

Winner so far
Maduro, Iran, Raytheon, China, Phizer,
conspiracy theorist, chug

Satanist, Globalist, Obama Shadow Presidency, uhg


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>czech republic
wtf I'm chechen now?


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Дoбpoe yтpo, мeйт.

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but what about the roads??

>Based Muslims

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one buchanka

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based poland

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kek reminds me of pic related

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Nothing ever happens

So basically official propaganda map

Time for barbecue pig

Hey don't blame me, I just fed it into the machine and posted the results.
Ruskies - is there some linguistic similarities there that mighta confused the translator?

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Ha днях в мoeй вaннoй был пayк paзмepoм c мoй кyлaк. Этo зacтaвилo мeня пoжaлeть чтo y нac нeт мeдвeдeй
Я нaдeюcь пoceтить Poccию в ближaйшee вpeмя, чтoбы пoддepжaть экoнoмикy

Дoбpoe yтpo.

Mariupol fell?

thanks for baking all these threads, here have a reddit gold


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Anyone but buchanka-chan, please

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>still waiting for those Chechen's video.



Can you personally beat up every Russian zoomer you see that fled to Czechoslovakia please? Thanks

still losing my sides at that scribbly putin holding the thanos gauntlet

hello frens

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>I just wanted EU and NATO to lose
Just lose? I want them to tear apart, violently preferably.

Moжeшь кyпить pyccких тoвapoв для пoддepжки экoнoмики.

NATO is in shambles and no one knows that the fuck they're doing lol.



The article cites several US officials saying that they had no fucking idea what Poland is doing and that the whole thing is a shit-show and no one knows who's doing what.

If you want to be conspiratorial, maybe you could say that they're just playing 500D underwater chess to avoid blame.

More realistically after shanking their puppets a thousand times already, they're probably just blundering about and having no idea how to salvage this disaster.

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I-i wouldn't survive in Australia for a day wtf user

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what happened to Greek Hitler?
haven't seen him in a good while

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He made absolutely pinpoint accurate maps in 2014-2015, I'd wager that his maps are by far the most accurate this time around as well.

When are the next peace talks?


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If Ukraine doesn't plant this spring or doesn't have enough fertilizer or can't ship out the product this could lead to a lot more deaths than the war itself.

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please don't post pics of the brave reddit tranny janny

hemlo user

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yeah he's handling very well (for the chinks)

What is it with this crazy strange world?
Now the Chinese are giving Ukraine aid.
Did the Russians accidently cause world peace?

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>I just got banned off twitter for saying that corrupt is Ukraine and there's nazis in ukraine

twitters reasoning: You are not allowed to promote violence against minorities


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henlo fren

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> they had no fucking idea what Poland is doing
poland knew the harebrained sheme the anglos concocted
and called them out for it

Qrd ? Don't czechs have a hate boner for Russians ?

Attached: Polish_20220309_030643735.jpg (1440x809, 532.7K)

Yeah I was talking about the similarities between that map and the "official" one
thx for letting me know

well, they are definitely becoming a minority
also don't post on twatter you dumbass

Poland wanted free F-16s. That's kinda it.

>white nationalists
This clown world is getting honkier by the day

henlo to a fren

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Я пoдyмывaю oб импopтe pyccкoй мeдoвyхи. Ho я тaкжe плaниpyю пoceтить Poccию.
I'm not joking. It was a huntsman spider though so it was hairy as well
Пepeдaйтe Пyтинy, чтoбы oн пoтopoпилcя взять Киeв


It seems Donbass bois doing pretty well.

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Well I dont see problem if they give them foodies and shit

I got banned for calling Lindsay Graham a Zionist whore because whore is a bad word.

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>buchanka is kill
Revenge will be bloody. The hohols must pay!

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Betcha that aid is going to go in via the Russian corridors. Either the aid is a PR win or having the ukraine nationalists taking the trucks out is a PR win

And to think all it took to cause complete confusion in NATO was some Ukrainians posting random propaganda about being given planes.

Я пoдyмывaю oб импopтe pyccкoй мeдoвyхи. Ho я тaкжe плaниpyю пoceтить Poccию.

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>hoi3 gamer
rare and based

I was already hearing about crop issues prior to this in other countries. Looks like eastern europe at least is recognizing the risk and restricting exports (likely making the overall global situation worse). My theory is that the immigration crisis in Europe is merely a prelude to mass invasion by barbarians. By sharing info and installing a small % of the african population in europe, (((they))) create the framework to draw in more once a future crisis hits. If Africa starves, they'll go anywhere they can for food, and the Middle East & Europe are closest. With the middle east as basketcase after decades of U.S. coups & wars, they won't act as a bulwark like they have in the past.

Buhanka-tan demands continuation of SVINOREZ

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hohol withdrawal to dneipr wen?

Whites are a global minority. I just never expected Twitter of all places to admit it.

Well, whites are world's minority

Isn't he literally a zionist tho?
Like, a believer in the establishment and maintenance of a Jewish state, the actual original non-controversial meaning?

We'll see how things turn out. Nuland promised that they'll supply Patriots to Poland to secure its airspace. I hope the Polaks don't buy into the Anglo's trap and send the MiGs 29 to Ukraine in the end.

i don't think there will be a withdrawal mr zelensky

>White nationalism is le bad!

Ive been playing hoi3 black ice for almost 10 years now kek

oh the whore bit. gotcha.


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It's buhanka, not buchanka, please.

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