What would realistically make him accept the defeat and fuck off?

What would realistically make him accept the defeat and fuck off?

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one last drop

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nothing will. He's got everything riding on this and is utterly humiliated.

hohol is living in fantasy land again

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gosh this board has been total shit since the whole ukraine thing. its extra boring and cringe and retarded now. good job op.

Ukraine should just allow itself to be annexed by Russia. War ended = problem solved.

Says the jew

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a new dictionary

A bullet to the brain.

Why are zogbots this delusional?

fuck off Ivan

Nothing, that would mean his end as a political figure.
He'll draw more troops stationed elsewhere in Russia if he has to, even mobilize the reserves - but he will not fuck off.

Fuck off, kike.

>What would realistically make him accept the defeat and fuck off?

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Kill yourself westerner slave


a Chinese virus

fackin really?

An icepicker to the skull. He went all in on this one. He ruined his legacy, fucked his oligarchs and destroyed 2 countries in the process

Realistically, Your government is days from collapse. If you are lucky the Russians will slit your throat quickly instead of slowly.


Attached: Upset Monke Putin.png (267x296, 147.64K)


>redditroon circlejerk #166278 will surely cause a reality shift and bring about a ukranian victory
2 more weeks

Idk maybe defeating him once in a fair fight

do you owe him?

You should just allow yourself getting fucked by niggers in the ass. Ass fucked = problem solved

11 thousand soldiers...even by russian estimates (2000, right) this war is an embarrassing defeat.

putin will an hero after seeing rusia monke meme

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A nuke here and there, for the lulz, you know…

10 principles of war propaganda by Anne Morelli.
>we don't want war;
>the opposing camp is solely responsible for the war;
>the leader of the opposing camp has the face of the devil;
>it is a noble cause that we defend and not particular interests;
>the enemy knowingly causes atrocities, and if we commit mistakes it is involuntarily;
>the enemy uses unauthorized weapons;
>we suffer very few losses, the enemy's losses are enormous;
>artists and intellectuals support our cause;
>our cause has a sacred character;
>those who question our propaganda are traitors.

>Why are zogbots this delusional?
Because propaganda work on the masses.

you should just give your house to your drunk drugged up insane nigger neighbor, no fuss, no muss...

I sincerely hope collaborators with the russians get shot in a field, 1945 style

What are you, a fucking blue check chick on twatter?

What drives him is what drives Julian Assange. Routing out cocksucking, corrupt globalists.
Is your bioweapon lab ok?

I thought that was meant for a Russian flag lol

I sincerely hope for this midget's death, every minute of every day.

yeah its getting absurd at this point. i mean i knew the media was full of shit and that all the letter agencies have an army of people out there constantly fucking with our heads. but they are really reaching now.. they seem desperate and its getting really pathetic and unsettling. they must be in meltdown mode trying to hold this shit show together.

lmao deluded nexta cope enjoyer

Threres no fucking coming back after this.
he went all in and either he comes out as the new Stalin or will get killed by the slav glowies while they try to stabilise the huge damage he caused

I dont know, according to American media - which heavily favors Ukraine - Russia seems to be winning.

Your country is like 50% captured hoholbro. You should be the ones surrendering at this point since it's clear that nobody is going to war for you. You should hang your president while you're at it.

I think he already is preparing his exit strategy for a peace deal where Zelensky recognizes Donbass and Crimea as Russia or something. Then he can argue Russia was a pursuing peace and actually the good guys the entire time and The sanctions are the bad guys. He's fucked in the head now. The new vaxx fucked with the old vaccine's scars on his brain.

is that why?

I mean at this point everyone knows Russia is winning. The pro-Ukraine threads are sort of like watching a gore video of someone begging for his life right before getting killed. That is literally the state of the "country" of the Ukraine right now. Sad.

>Delusional hohol
Russia is unironically only using 30% of its power


NATO won´t even let Ukraine join them :/ geez

its like they know

Salvini was treated too lightly.

I don't care. Foreign interventionalism and regime changes over the years got you this problem, they sure as hell won't get you out of it.

>this war is an embarrassing victory.
got ya senpai

by saying he won and he leaves

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Nothing. It's over. Russian Empire here we go agaiiiiiin.

Nothing. He's going to nuke you.

fuck em, they're chechens

yeah but they're small tactical battlefield nukes, not the big ones that matter.

You are such a good goyim

If I was the US president I would just give him borderland and dump more old us suprlus into poorland

I think proper term is Pyrric Victory.