Would he side with Ukraine or Russia, and why?

Would he side with Ukraine or Russia, and why?

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Russia bc he sees the reality

Side with Ukraine ... Russian army has proven to be worthless!

russia, because hitler hated nazis too

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He would despair at what Jews have turned the world into

He would be dumbass and start a two front war so it doesn't mattee

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Russia obviously

He would side for Germany, its called the third way for a reason.

ukraine for revenge against the asiatic, (((bolshevik))) horde; russia for revenge against the (((western))) world also because of similarity with putin (danzig is german, ukraine is russia)

Definitely the Ukraine. Hitler hated Russia.

Pretty sure he would want to kill as many Russians as possible.

He hated communist jews, my sweet nigger.

He would take the gas

>My one fear is that the Ministry for Eastern Territories will try to civilise the Ukrainian women. These girls, bursting with health, would introduce a welcome strain into the race, for many of them are obviously of sound Germanic origin — other-wise, whence the fair, blue-eyed children? The best among them we will gradually assimilate and take into the Reich; the rest can remain here.

There's a record of him talking to some officer or something. He despised the soviet elites and criticized them for treating the working class like dogs.
So, Ukraine.

Russia, because he was a strategic idiot who always picked the outcome that would hurt Germans the most in the long run.


He'd side with Russia first to exterminate as many subhuman hohols as possible and then invade them later.

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I've thought about it and I'm not too sure. Ukraine does have high profile National Socialist movements such as Azov and Misanthropic Division, but at the same time in Mein Kampf he pretty clearly states that expansion at the expense of lesser peoples is not only justified but necessary. Ukraine also has a Russian population of a certain size that you could say Putin is "bringing back home." Maybe the scales tip a bit more in the Russian direction.

Or maybe the most realistic answer is that he wouldn't care one way or the other, as it has little to do with the German people.

Side with Ukraine and exterminate both later (rightfully)

Just look at history retard. He sided with Ukrainians, or rather the opposite, they sided with him and he was ok with it. they were subverters of his enemy