Why are Americans so scared of public transportation?

Why are Americans so scared of public transportation?

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American politicians don't even give a fuck about railways, it's all about the automotive industry.

The N-words.

b-b-but my FREDOM

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Sheeit. Those trains look like dildos. I ain't tryna ride in no dil-do.

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Efficiency is irrelevant when you're rich and can tell others to fuck off

Why are you faggots giving handouts to Israel and the Ukraine instead of rebuilding America's infrastructure?

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All those countries will look like America soon with all their newfound vibrant diversity.

It's not possible. I can't stress enough how not possible it is. Trains take people from point A to point B but point A is a giant blob smeared over 100 square miles because instead of normal cities everyone lives in things called "metropolitan areas" or "urban agglomerations".

Oh like your railroads are any better, leaf.

>Why are Americans so scared of public transportation?

Are you stupid or only blind? did you dont see how the infraestrucutre is failing around the planet, we are only at weeks of power grids around the globe to start failing and gas start to get hard to get.
Why you want to depend more to the filing system? just get a car whit low compresion and learn to brew ethanol from corn.

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niggers could be there

nigger mobility


Cuz niggers

The American train looks more solid than the other globohomo designed trains in other countries. The tracks however do need improvement though..

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go on the NYC subway a couple times and you'll see why, lots of fucking niggers being niggers on there. No one wants to deal with that shit, not even black people

Niggers mostly but also homeless since they smell and have problems with mental illness. Any white exclave or enclave in American whether it be liberal or republican would vote no on this shit since it would mean all the inner city denizens popping up into not just suburbs but rural areas too.

Made me chuckle, I needed that.

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Because public transport is for niggers, poorfags, and urbanist bugmen who have an obsession with controlling everyone's freedom of movement through city planning.

Fuck off.

Americans don’t use public transportation because of minorities.


Niggers, the answer is always niggers
Christ our country is an abomination

when did trains start becoming associated with blacks when they’ve been a white thing since their invention?

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when niggers could ride on them freely and do whatever the fuck they wanted to you because they're niggers and we worship niggers in this country

Because there's not much profit to be made in building extensive railways compared to that of using public funds to pay extortionate figures for extra lanes, highway extensions, tunnels, bridges, etc. And what of the maintenance? The answer is who cares. Who cares if extra car infrastructure adds $0 ongoing economic productivity outside of the initial money velocity gained from Gov spending on construction. Not an issue for today's Government. They just need to be seen to be doing something, and by God building roads is doing something. Digging holes and filling them up is unironically more productive than building some car infrastructure. At least you don't inherit a piece of inefficient infrastructure that will be an ongoing liability to maintain.

Americans travel by car or plane. That's it.

lol this
I hate public transport
thank god I don't live in a city

See OP these fellers get it why can’t you?

or mobility scooter

My car is loud and cool.
I enjoy standard transmission.
Listening to really loud music is fun.
I also don't live in a kike-shithole city infested with niggers.
Kill yourself faggot. I bet you clap your hand when you get in to a modern car and it has a nice big pretty gay retard touchscreen instead of any useful or tactile buttons. You want the car to do everything for you.. You literally want to be cucked 24/7 including being cucked by your own car. You ate so fucking pathetic you faggot retard.

why are other countries so scared of letting their citizens travel at will freely?

How would billionaires benefit? Politicians need to reduce the real pay of wageslaves through things such as inflation, forcing them to spend their income on a car / gas/ etc.

Highspeed public transport would mean actually not bending over for billionaires and billionaires are likely scared of wagecucks getting too powerful through not having to spend so much money on cars and gas.

Canada has the same issue. Fucking over people who aren't ultra wealthy through high gas prices and high parking costs, while telling the people they are doing it to reduce global warming and will use money to build more train/ monorail infrastructure etc while not spending money on the infrastructure.

Imagine how much the US government would have to pay Bill Gates to buy his land for the use of new high speed rail tracks. The US government should just let him buy it all up and then seize it and build highspeed rail all over

>Why are you faggots giving handouts to Israel and the Ukraine instead of rebuilding America's infrastructure?
you would complain about corporate welfare if the US gave money to the private railway system.

Anti car shills are becoming a thing now. You are the faggiest of the Jews. I don’t care if I have to pay 5k a month to own a car. As long as there’s niggers in America then it’s a price I’m willing to pay. Go fuck yourself moshe. What a profoundly retarded thing to shill for.

No, they're worse

Car and Airline lobbyst basically killed public transportation in USA.