Why were they punished so excessively?

why were they punished so excessively?

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>implying black people don't have big lips

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Because they were afraid of us

It is U.S. policy to split up any large country that either was or could become a major competing empire. Russia is on the chopping block currently. All of the E.U. countries are also small, weak, and easily manageable as vassals to the Jewish Empire of Satan aka the USA and its various components (capital: Israel).

why shouldnt they be
they are a bunch of asiatic invaders, they've got no business here

Because they at the time deserve it. We were and still are the majority in Transilvania

show flag

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Kneejerk US blaming. While the US is responsible for all kinds of evil shit, the Treaty of Trianon was mostly France's doing at the behest of her business interests. Hungary was intended to become essentially a French colony after the war.

It's more about the fact that we were, are and always had been a German ally and France wanted to make sure Germany has no potentially big ally in the east.

Romania is a natural ally of France and French culture has an influence on Romanian society, while in Hungary France was never important even when Paris was the capital of culture.

Do not eat up romanian propaganda. France influence on Romania? They wish. They a totally, 100 percent orthodox balkanic sheepherders, with gypsy and turk influence.

Lots of Romanians speak French and back then lots of Romanians studied in France. For France they were the useful ally in the region.

Dont start shit

Angl*s are massive hoi4 autists and like to balkanize every country they defeat

Are you a proud Hun?

We were punished for our weakness - and we were weak because we trusted politicians who promised us peace and laid down our arms, practically disbanded our army returning from the fronts. The people had enough of war, the Habsburgs, and wanted peace above all. And here's something most people don't understand: the average hungaria, in the fall of 1918, didn't really give a shit about all the lands inhabited by slovakians/vlachs/serbs. Most of us would have been perfectly fine letting go of the northern lands with 90-100% slovakian population, or the Banate with its 90% serb and vlach pops. Most people agreed that Croatia should be independent - after all we weren't a monarchy anymore, so the personal union should end, no question about it.
Of course what the people didn't understand is that vlachs, serbs, and their french puppet masters are barely capable of human thought - no one thought for a second they would want to take over 90-100% ethnic hungarian lands, just because they could.
Hence the eternal seething - we wanted peace, an honest peace, and were promised one, but got fucked in the ass in the end by the same people who promised us the fair peace.

tl/dr: don't be weak - something the ukies are about to learn big time.

That and Russia not getting crimea, odessa and the east of ukraine after the collapse of the soviet union are the greatest historical tragedies I know.

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Breaking up the giant multiculti empires was popular at that time. It was believed that linguistic boundaries should determine national borders and a new era of ethnonationalism was dawning.

Hungarians are butthurt because they think that they should have been the special exception to this rule.

Oh no! Just think of all those poor non-Hungarians who they were never able to Magyarize and lord over with an iron fist while denying them the right to self-determination!


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No we are butthurt because the new borders intentionally left large amounts of hungarians just on the other side of them. Skip to today, and we have fucking "ukrainians" telling us that the hungarians who lived for more than 1100 years in sub-carpathia are somehow not indigenous to the land.

>punished so excessively
owning and treating multiple nations as slaves and serfs
austrohungarian reich was Globohomo soviety beta in my country there are a shit ton of iluminati buildings{Build in 1700+-} displaying the famous dollar pyramid and other symbols . I like to show these symbols to cattle-sheeple and watch them error 404 in real time
Maybe you should educate yourself on history

You have to understand the lands they lost werent even populated with hungarians to begin with