Putin is purging the Jewish liberals in Russia. Talks of nationalization are circulating. Jewish media is being shut down. Putin is fighting Judeo-Globohomo for real guys. The Visegrad is going to join Russia. I feel it in my bones. The Orthodox Church is rising lads and it will ally with the Catholic Eastern Church. The Pope will cry but nobody will care. And trust me, the next thing we will all be hearing is the Pope condemning Russia and all its soon to be allies.
Start at paragraph 4.

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2 weeks

>Putin is purging the Jewish liberals in Russia.
I thought putin was jewish. isnt he?

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You could delete evil and it would be just as effective.

it's probably just the next step in the WEF plan to villainize russia to get goyim fighting each other.

If this is true we have to give it our energy and bless it with digits. If Kek wills it.

It's time to bomb the vatican and burn it to the ground, all of it!

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kek wills it.

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Very possible. But according to the a video on the collapse of Project Looking Glass the Satanic Globohomo Axis lost the power to predicatively program the future in 2012 and all their new predictions keep leading the same outcome. Presumably Armageddon. The Jews will retaliate and this will force Putin to bring his forces (likely through Turkey) to the door step of Israel. Russia will take Istanbul either by force or by alliance to secure the Black Sea. Iran, Afghanistan and many other Muslim countries will side with Russia. China will likely perfect a Rubble/Yuan Petro dollar combine for a new Easter financial architecture. The Jews are finished in the east and if they don't flee their very lives are at stake.

I'd hat to see all that beautiful architecture and art destroyed but to save our white race and our nations, I'd nuke the fuck out of it without hesitation.

Now that there's them digits.

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Maybe he wants to be THE jew.

If it gets raided on foot we can get a look at all the shit in the basement. ancient scrolls and shit.

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>Putin, a jew
>purging jews
sure, that's some jews infighting at best

>The Visegrad is going to join Russia.
How the hell did you get to this conclusin ? Man the shit you are smoking must be really strong. My country of slovakia just gave the USA 2 Aircraft bases. we are not gonna join russia ... man you are delusional.

Suck a bag of dicks, Wayne.

remember when all the NFL niggers went to the white house and trump fed them mcdonald's?

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Yeesh. Those are some numberinos

>isnt he?

and you when?
also a yale (((professor)))

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I rarely agree with you but this seems to be one of those rare occasions.
I'm talking rare as in not likely to happen rather than the myocardis version of rare.

>The Visegrad is going to join Russia.
You know fucking nothing, you absolute moron. Russia's list of hostile countries before this war had like 2 on it: USA and Czech Republic. And Poland hates Russia possibly more than anyone on the planet. American right-wingers are the dumbest people and should shut the fuck up about Europe.

You know they got some dark secrets locked up their vaults.

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kikes pose a threat to every country they infected, and the entire world as a whole. it is only logical to remove them from existence.

how, who and when does not matter. it only matters that shit gets done. their time is up. they lingered way too long on this plagued earth and in the end, the entire world will be against them.

just as foretold.

Do you have any interesting links about Project Looking Glass? Yes I can use Google, but I mean recommended stuff. BitChute is a bit hit and miss.

You'll change. I guarantee it. America has shown it's weak. Air bases aren't shit. When you get hungry and need'll come crawling back to Putin. And your country will become more nationalist and right wing.

Nuke ROME with couple of YARS-24, simple as

It’s probably hard for you to imagine a russian using as US vpn

The 6s carry two extra 3s to replace the two 1s.
In my book that means honorary nonuples.
Pope getting blasted before the 6th month.

>Poland hates Russia
That's old news. Putin will make his statement to God and Christ. Poland will support him. Everyone is waking up to the Satanic Jew. What you are all failing to see is that the political calculus has changed. We are all waking up to the fact that the Jews are the enemy.


No he isnt its shit propaganda

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