Why is it that everyone who whines about "degenerate white roasties" and supports WMAF relationships looks like this...

Why is it that everyone who whines about "degenerate white roasties" and supports WMAF relationships looks like this? Why are they always literal untermenschen?

Attached: chud.png (195x258, 5.09K)

Attached: 7BEA2DE6-3BAA-4A1A-B95A-F000AE41666B.png (484x521, 491K)

Its been shown over and over again that sketch was based on a leftist

You are all the same worthless shitbags

Attached: 548A7F86-1D3C-4E52-95FC-D5D16418D803.png (1364x1056, 411.49K)

Attached: A8294102-E983-4764-8913-241244FFE007.jpg (552x792, 64.1K)


yes you are all unlikable impotent faggots its just half become trannies and the other half become loli loving trad caths and you all shit up the internet with your whining

Attached: 01F7718A-D7CC-435E-9B96-816393A74CBE.gif (800x530, 693.41K)

This is like one of those pictures of giant squid found in the 1800s

Wut rong?


why do leftists always project?
apparently conservatives are rednecks
but rednecks dont look like chuds
meanwhile the incel communists who post on reddit all look like chuds
turns out all leftists are actually chud faggots and they always project on the right

Attached: le-pol-face.png (621x733, 232.25K)

But not you, right user?

Attached: 4FCB9545-7B94-4756-8621-3AB8D6260183.jpg (2105x1280, 260.92K)

a good haircut helps a lot

Attached: Screenshot_20220308-103023_One UI Home.jpg (1080x595, 197.95K)


Attached: c99d0f0d6df10a2f22b5d8524037d83f.jpg (515x385, 29K)

Reality destroys leftists yet again

Attached: Dn3sivFU4AAjnT4.jpg (1536x2048, 475.55K)

Attached: 1633673738093.png (495x651, 688.68K)

would suck the fuck out of those.

Holy shit lmao


Attached: leantiworkmanv2.png (1333x2000, 930.5K)

Don't forget to
>rename before posting

Attached: demoralization image 236 RENAME BEFORE POSTING.jpg.jpg (500x500, 52.42K)

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Attached: 7876876.png (711x259, 74.85K)