Unethical dates

Is dating a downie/retard/Low functioning autist as bad as pedophilia? It actually sounds worse because 15-16 years could be fully mature but with mental chicks they're not mature for sure

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Not even pol question just chud quiz...

What is this dude doing with a big sausage link?

Is he ok

No of course not. What a retarded question.

Doesn’t this doom sprite have a gf and a hot one at that? Or is the gf blind? I can’t remember

Yeah, his name is Zaid he was burned when he was 2 years old and he's 18 now. The kid talks normally and has a good sense of humor

>has a good sense of humor

I think thats because he has not seen any of the horrors of reality

Dont get me wrong once you see them the humor gets better


there is always limits, but in some countries the nursing institutions recomend sexual encounters for caregiving by profesionals. i think the obvious limit is that the pacient ask for it with words

if that was me i'd front an extreme metal band and rake in the cash

Is that his sex doll?

Brutal mog

Yeah but when you hear him talk you can't help but feel for the dude, he's totally normal under the nightmare costume he can't take off. It could happen to any of us

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>It could happen to any of us

Only if your parents are niggerish enough to let a lit candle near the bed of their baby

Isn't every man an MAP? If you're attracted to women you're attracted to girls too.

sometimes, best thing to do is to let people die.
but in society without God, people will cling to any most misereable life


>but with mental chicks they're not mature for sure

A dog has the mental capacity of a four year old, but they screw each other all the time.

Mental maturity =/= sexual maturity

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I wouldn't mind a high functioning autism gf if she was cute. I have autism myself.

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Not sure if op is a troll or just retarded


no, third vaccine shot

Why is it so wet?

I dated a retard. Like she wasn't full blown retard, she was able to drive, but she couldn't work and collected SS, and was in special education classes in school.

>Give me your best smile

Honestly just put a bag or mask on that person's head, I'm normally tolerant of disfiguration and such but that level is just too much.

Doesn't have lips to prevent drool from flowing out of the mouth, probably cant control his tongue to swallow.

This is concrete proof that Mike Mew was right all along. Not having good posture and weak facial muscles fuck up your jaw horribly.

>Sleep now, King.

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