Cock size around the wprld

>smallest countries in Asia
Your reaction?

Attached: world_penis_map.jpeg.jpg (770x1379, 143.22K)

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you are weird for even thinking about this
Outdated maps

Very Canadian thread there user.
>Indonesia: king of dicklets

Czech republic what the fuck

Attached: erdobull_japan.jpg (1200x730, 81.24K)

Aren't the Czechs naturally tall people?

>Mexican manlets have bigger dicks than us

Attached: 198-1982257_transparent-wojak-png-wojak-rage-png-download.png (860x711, 105.36K)

My dick is 8.5 inches and I'm only 5'5" so it reaches down to my knee.

Hahaha why you hate us beaners user?
I dont need an answer actually

What's the big deal with cock size anyway? So long as it does the job what is the issue?

If you take the Chinese out of Australia the average cock size is 6.5

Is dicks size and height correlated?

correlate that with IQ size

>5/16 of the top countries with the largest penises are african
nigger bros, did we get too cocky?

Attached: 1646716082399.jpg (778x1024, 64.55K)

There's just too fucking many of you user. TOO MANY!!! A few beaners I wouldn't mind, and individual beaners I take no issue with, but the fucking NUMBER of you is way the fuck too much. I live in Texas. There were originally some beaners, and nobody really took issue with it. But then they added a fuckton of beaners. And we said that's too many, you've fucking ruined it. And then they went ahead and dropped many times more beaners on us. And now when I go outside I am pushing through an infinite sea of beaners to go anywhere. There are beaners under my car's floor, there are beaners in my refrigerator, there are beaners in the fucking air particles. Do you understand? WAY TOO FUCKING MANY

Man i feel bad for chinks and poos.
Imagine having a three inch dick in this day and age.
No wonder they still have arranged marriages and shit, I mean how could you blame em?

So basically just empty out Australia except a few thousand abbos and bogans that live with them?

Attached: 1638015133004.png (128x126, 21.03K)

Sorry for you comparative loss user
Never speak again you are touched in the head fren

self reported map that niggers and spics use to boost their fragile egos

I understand now, but listen to me user, but you still have some worse subhumans called N

Thought you were gonna say
>I understand now, but listen to me user, you only have to take another 20 million of us and then it's over
Still, you make a good point. If I could send all niggers to Mexico and bring every last Mexican here, I would do it.


Is this hard or soft?

it's literally made up numbers from south americans and niggers that self reported

if you want real statistics look up calcsd

I literally get laughed at and flat out rejected by women due to this. It's a big deal. I might as well get a BMW of something.