Someone explain this shit. I cannot understand it. Why is Russia sending these vehicles to the front?

Someone explain this shit. I cannot understand it. Why is Russia sending these vehicles to the front?

Attached: Civilian trucks reinforcements .webm (576x1024, 1.13M)

Less of an instant target.

for rebuilding

They're gonna need their good stuff for later.

Logistical issues

What the fuck are they rebuilding? They haven’t taken any major city. And what use would a fucking UAZ be? Or a shitty old LADA? Some of them have found carrying MREs and weapons to the front. Why don’t they just send their military trucks?

Attached: 4F484874-4C28-4844-986E-9ADFA18E2830.png (720x673, 772.57K)

how much longer will it take donkey anons to realize transformers exist

This! They are sponges. Ukraine uses its good weapons to take out shit equipment.
Ukraine runs out of stingers and javelin.
Russia sends in the good equipment.
Ukraine is fucked! Checkmate

Correct. Russia simply doesn’t have enough military trucks to supply the invasion. Russia is a poor and suffers from total corruption which puts a drag on logistics.

They ran out of good trucks due to ambushes, or more likely, they didn’t bring enough military trucks in the first place. Russian logistics are fuuuuuuucked.

Attached: giphy (1).gif (320x240, 578.71K)

Are you retarded? Logistics, logistics, logistics. Russian army is 100% dependent on their in country rail network. They are an army built for defense. They just realized how unprepared they are to support their army on the offensive, and are scrambling to fill in the lack of logistics vehicles with regular trucks.

Attached: no fuel.jpg (773x1884, 561.68K)

>They haven’t taken any major city
they are sacking the entire country

Attached: photo_2022-03-08_22-04-54.jpg (1280x898, 131.42K)

>What the fuck are they rebuilding? They haven’t taken any major city.
The cope.
When Zelensky capitulates he will be at the beck and call of Putin.

Good cartoon.

There's something to the deja vu shit in this clownworld timeline. I was thinking about that show a few hours ago, and I hadn't thought about it since it was on Saturday mornings like 35 years ago. And now user posts a gif of Turbo Teen just a few hours later.
The simulation is breaking down.

That's pretty impressive how they managed to take all that uninhabited farmland and not even accidentally take a city in the process

A big part of Russia's mission will be humanitarian aid.

Always remember, English teachers get the rope first

why are there so many german shills here

>Simps for Putin

do you think it will be like old 4th century conquests where putin gets to keep the old king as his slave and step on his back to climb up to high places? that would be pretty fucking cool.

is this where all of the trannies and shit came from? seeing humans morph into other things?

That pic kek. They only control the roads. They ''control'' the red area like the US ''contolled'' Afghanistan.

They're rushing to take objectives, failing then getting BTFO by Ukranians and only ending up with some empty snow covered farmland to show for it

There were literal BUS SYSTEMS on some of the big american bases in iraq.
Also toyota's everywhere. Where do you think ISIS got them? They were leftover from american bases.

Russia said this is not an occupation and those are troop transports


yeah, ukrainian troops who are now russian troops.

For who?

>they only control the roads
my goy, they have overwhelming air superiority and can cruise missle anything in ukraine within 10 mins

Well, logistics

To blend in with the local vehicles

And that might work if Ukraine was Nazi Germany with a hostile power to its west.

Instead it has some of the largest economies and military industries in the world supplying it with everything it could ever want, and what had been a trickle before the invasion has become a flood. Also note that Putin is claiming that no conscripts have been sent in, this is allegedly all contract soldiers (obviously a lie, but let's roll with it,) this is supposed to be the better equipped and more professional part of the Russian army.

germany and russia are two sides pf the same coin

Ok. So if they are doing so good why the fuck do they need this shit on the front?

Attached: 9A1A0D6B-B670-499B-988E-DA0539F17740.png (460x456, 283.6K)

there's this stupid opinion that russia isn't winning because they haven't leveled the entire country. you want to own the country afterwards. it would be like setting a car on fire before stealing it. goddamn retard NPCs

Thats not how you control land retard. You need boots on the ground and they are going to need shitloads more to do so.

Behold, whose Vectra got stolen in Germany in 90's?

Attached: 20220306_214517.jpg (960x1280, 415.62K)

transport refugees

>why did hitler and all of his officers and support staff drive around in cars instead of fucking heavy armor tanks and jets in occupied countries

there are other logistics besides the war machine

Attached: hitler.jpg (800x441, 98.38K)

They have literally ran out of military transport vehicles

Attached: 1646761701502m.jpg (1024x810, 81.41K)

And after failing to take Kharkov by storm they are now firing artillery into it every day like it's 1943. Kharkov was probably the most sympathetic to Russia of the major Ukrainian cities, and now it's under constant Russian artillery fire. Absolute masterstroke by the monkey.

DPR/LPR militia vehicles, probably for mobilized DPR troops.

emergency resupplying of scooby snacks

The army generals were stealing money all these years after the USSR collapsed. Now the whole world sees.

To be used in propaganda. Probably preparing marches and demonstrations that will make out Russia ss a liberator since the ukrainians refuse to.

FAKE. There are no Zs, these are pictures of English football hooligans driving to Battersea in 1996.

Russia need to occupy some territory first

vans and busses to transport the prisoners, dump trucks to bury the bodies