/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #462

Previous: ▶WARNING
Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.

>No movement (03/08) due to potential direct negotiation with Putin-Zelensky
>Biden's oil requests snubbed by Saudis, UAE, OPEC
>US demanding “part or whole” of Venezuela oil production to ease sanctions on Maduro
>U.S. Deputy Sec of State Nuland admits to biolabs in The Ukraine
>China demands the US release more details regarding the 26 US-backed bio labs in Ukraine ASAP
>Putin signs decree banning exports from Russia, imports to Russia of certain products & raw materials until 2023
>Berdyansk, Kherson, Irpin, and Energodar have fallen - Mariupol is surrounded and besieged
>US has banned russian oil, gas and coal imports
>US gas prices hit 4.17$ a gallon, an all time high
>Zelensky “ready to recognize” Crimea as Russian
>Zelensky: No longer interested in NATO
>Kiev Surrounded, M30 east of Kiev has Russian vehicles
>Ceasefires violated again after foreign students were evacuated
>Russia will ceasefire / attempt to evacuate civilians AGAIN tomorrow
>Irpin and Kiev mass exodus happening
>Irpin street fighting, Russia 22km from Kiev center
>Russia: Evacuation from Mariupol, Melitopol, Byrdansk prevented.
>European natural gas hits 2500, then 3800 euro/1000m3, a 6x increase in one month
>Reportedly explosions at the Kharkov research institute, which houses an experimental nuclear reactor
>Russia encourages Russian websites to migrate to Russian hosts in leaked documents
>Russian MoD dropped new info confirming the presence of US-backed bio labs in Ukraine


▶Non-Shill Sources

▶/chug/ Template & Resources

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Addendum to latest news but too wordy for OP

>america publicly demanding venezuela give part of its oil production to US as part of any easing of sanctions
>gas at all time high, likely to go up even more since joe hiden banned racist chud oil and got told to fuck off by opec
>natural gas for heating in europe now 8x higher than three weeks ago
>nickel has gone from 20k to 100k a ton in a week, nickel is the most important resource for electric car, battery, and other network needs
>wheat just keeps going up, america cant afford to cover the rest of the western world supply
>brazil tepidly neutral in the whole thing, just wants to make money
>india more and more pro-russian since maximum indians were being held hostage by ukrops
>venezuela might fleece the US by selling dirty oil at a huge markup (now very unlikely)
>iran probably going to have US begging for oil next
>OPEC already openly stating non involvement, leaning to russian sympathy because muh houthis
>poland trying to shyster the US by sending old MIGs to germany, and trading for new jets. Mostly because america/UK wanted to facilitate arms transports through poland, leaving poland exposed to retaliation
>China demanding to know everything about US biolabs worldwide

All in the last 48 hours

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Good morning Eurochads

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Morning, brothers.

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Replace old stuff from OP with those.

I think Zelensky is a high IQ gigachad right now and is outplaying Putin as we speak, Putin fell for the trap.

>let's negotiate, Mr poo tin
>oh okay haha yes you will surrender let's negotiate
>alright let's do this hehehehehe
>*has time to organize army, receive thousands of weapons imports and get intel about Russia's attack*
>uuuh nevermind no deal let's go to war now hehehe

reminder: filter turk flag too in case he turns off the meme flag

COVID is really going to end once everything is relevealed about those biolabs in Ukraine

Death to r*ssian subhuman

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Morning sirs

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Drilling is bad for the environment, 'kay?

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Good morning, sir

still hiding your flag i see

I'd drill her.

>no biolabs in Ukraine, goy!

This war is so fucking boring, when will jewtler grow some fucking balls and do something.

US denying Poland's offer seems like an attempt to deescalate from the US, no?

>I think Zelensky is a high IQ gigachad right now and is outplaying Putin as we speak, Putin fell for the trap.
No one stops an action just for negotiations, don't be fool.

>Saudi Arabia and the UAE decline Biden’s phone calls and refuse to speak with Biden about countering Russia and containing a surge in oil prices.

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Lmao based commies

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I hate her so much that sexing her would be enjoyable.

Let me explain how Putin is such a faggot.
In 2000, I thought Putinhomo was pretty cool.
He was making Russia better than the gulagistan USSR, and I thought he was an ally to economic prosperity worldwide.
When Medvedev took over, only for Putinhomo to be shadow czar, people noticed and had serious questions about it. Putin and his friends were too powerful, and Pussy Riot et al. was right to call him out on it.
After BP and Russia had a falling out over corruption in 2011, people had questions about Putin the fucking faggot.
In 2012, Russia voted against Putinhomo and he lost to the other candidate.
He said their votes didnt count.
People all over Russia protested. Thousands are still in jail and more are being silenced every day.
When Ed faggot Snowden defected in 2013 with literally all of the United States secrets to Russia, Putinhomo saw it as a golden opportunity to be top dog of shit mountain, meaning he doesnt care if the world sucks, Putinhomo just wants to rule it. Hes gay.
In 2014 he had the Sochi olympics and used it as a power play to take Crimea next door from Ukraine because Yanukovich was Putins crony and the Ukranian people voted him out.
Russia does not have a warm water port, so having a black sea penninsula would help Putin project naval power.

Putin is so gay he shot down MH-17 on july 17 2014, a passenger airline, killing 300 civilians, during the invasion, very well documented.

Since then, Putin has employed thousands of people to post on Any Forums and other sites to propagandize his reign as a good thing. Unsuccessfully.
Good People of Russia have continued to protest him, and Navalny has lead that opposition.
Putin tried to poisin Navalny unsuccessfully.
Based Navalny is in prision now because he nor anyone else fears Putin.
When Putin dies this year, maybe tomorrow, Russia will move forward and become a good country free of shit. And nothing Putin can say about this matters.

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Marudo is a corrupt fat shit, he's already giving in.

Why yes, yes it is terribly awkward. But shit like this happens when you pull shit like embargoing oil from a country without securing the supply lines first because you're an 80-yo senile genius.

Good morning /chug/, is zelensky still alive or did he already kill himself?

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His strategy is the best one given the objectives and situation.
Just happens that we get less kino. Still, we get comfy scenes from the Donbass chads all the time, such as pic rel
>you will never be this comfy

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Wtf burgerbros ?

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I mean I'd absolutely fuck her in all her orifices as well.

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I can't help but hear clear skies play when I look at this

who must go?

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we almost had a mcdonalds once, a bunch of people came out to protest and they bailed lmao

War in general is actually pretty boring stuff if you're following it hour to hour.
Just wait until it ends and watch the highlights.


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Russia in ceasefire while it's still getting sanctioned and still losing the information war.
Letting the eastern encirclement break.
Absolute cuckoldry.


I just love how they can lie time and time again. Tell everyone it's just a conspiracy. And then just like that this "conspiracy" becomes a reality. Look at how Nulan squirms when she has to explain these biolabs.

We have reached a level of clown world that shouldn't be possible


Based and cavalrypilled

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>sexy summer camp

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good morning, aussie king
2 more days with you fine gentlemen... I'll miss ya

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>Why yes I must kill nazis so my daughter can get raped by churkas

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All those weapons will end up in the hands of Russia.
Ukraine's military is trapped in the east and Putin is waiting until civilians have been given enough time to leave.
After that the whole world is see a massive fireworks show.

Clear Sky is such an underrated game.

Oh yeah, 100%.
The problem is she's 19 but she still looks like a 12 year old.
She's on the precipice of becoming hot.

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>2 more days

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lads can you slow it down this thread is going too fast it's causing me a little discomfort

he's in a bunker shaking in his leather high heel boots

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Russian military published documents about preparations to attack Donbass in March by VSU forces. They were selecting "the most motivated" soldiers for assault.

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>globohomo claims you lost six gorillion tonks and personnel
>capture two six gorillions including fresh NATO drip

Nope, they opened, and they closed since they can't compete with our divine and cheap food kek, pozdrav zemo

if the prey doesn't step into the trap
you removing the trap is not a peace offering

Just paid $4.20 per gallon for gasoline on east coast. Price went up 4 times in the last 24 hours. $20 didn't even get me quarter of a tank.

Dumb ass relatives are still living in lala everything okay land. Own father was talking about how he's on SS and how I need to start wage slaving again so I'll get it when I turn 65. Told him I'd never see a dime from the state. He called me a schizo. Sick of these brainwashed normalfags asking me for advice, not follow it, then coming around months later to tell me I was right and do it all over again. I just want to escape before this country turns into blood bath. I wanted to make a stand here with my family but they'll never come around. They'll get on the bus to FEMA camp and call me schizo for not boarding it with them. They don't even think anything is amiss even though CNN and FOX news started shilling for the same things again about a week ago.

I've isolated myself in my house and I don't plan on coming out of it for a long time. I'll live on rice and beans until 2030 if I have to.

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How is she so neotenous?

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Be honest bros... You would.

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The sheiks are in same team as Putin, why should they help the senile fuck on the hill?
They should really do that. Also, replace BMW badges with GAZ Volga and keep producing.


Dead r*ssian subhumans make me happy

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>let me not read your blog post and laugh at you
haha faggot

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fuck ukraine, I'm talking about your intranet plans
There's gonna be a way around that, right?

Her parents don't bother to feed her properly so she's massively underdeveloped. Part of the charm tho.

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>>No movement (03/08) due to potential direct negotiation with Putin-Zelensky
we won

During a special military operation, secret documents of the command of the National Guard of Ukraine were placed at the disposal of Russian servicemen. These documents confirm the covert preparation by the Kiev regime of an offensive operation in the Donbas in March 2022.
The Russian Defense Ministry publishes the original secret order of the commander of the National Guard of Ukraine, Colonel General Nikolai Balan, dated January 22, 2022.
The order "On the organization of training of the battalion tactical group of the 4th Operational Brigade to perform combat (special) tasks in the operation of the combined forces as part of the brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine".
The document is addressed to the heads of the northern Kiev, southern Odessa and western territorial administrations of the National Guard of Ukraine.
The order, brought to the command of the National Guard of Ukraine, details a plan for the preparation of one of the strike groups for offensive actions in the zone of the so-called "operation of the united forces" in the Donbas.
The document approves the organizational and staff structure of the battalion-tactical group of the 4th operational brigade of the National Guard, the organization of its comprehensive support and reassignment to the 80th separate airborne assault Brigade of Ukraine.

Based if true.
Exploiting capitalism for the good of the people is a Fascist thing, I didn't know comunists did the same.

Kill yourself.

Just brewed some coffee.

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So, basically einsatzgruppen against grannies.


someones mommy had a few too many drinks during pregnancy

I would like to emphasize that this unit of the airborne assault troops of Ukraine has been trained by American and British instructors in training programs of the "NATO standard" in Lviv since 2016.
In accordance with the order, the Deputy Commander of the National Guard was tasked with organizing combat coordination of the battalion tactical group of the National Guard as part of the 80th separate airborne assault brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from February 7 to February 28, 2022.
I draw your attention - as many as five paragraphs of paragraph 4 are devoted to the issues of careful selection of personnel, examination of all psychologists and ensuring their high motivation.
To do this, the National Guard is ordered to provide "visual agitation, information and propaganda materials, flags, and printing products."
The Deputy commander of the National Guard for Personnel was ordered to organize "an effective system of moral and psychological support for the battalion-tactical group of the 4th brigade of operational purpose, internal communication of commanders with subordinates, information."
At the same time, it is important to provide "an explanation to the personnel of management decisions and the importance of performing upcoming tasks."
I draw special attention to the fact that paragraph 12 of the order prohibits sending to the area of combat coordination and to the place of execution of "combat special tasks" of the National guardsmen who showed "unsatisfactory" results of psychological testing according to the criterion of "readiness for risk".
All measures of the nationalists' combat coordination are ordered to be completed by February 28 in order to further ensure the fulfillment of combat tasks as part of the Ukrainian "joint forces operation" in the Donbas.
The document contains the original signatures of the officials responsible for the tasks of the command of the National Guard of Ukraine.

Is that a Jew (crypto or open)?

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Russia is happy to ceasefire around besieged cities. They’ve been moving forward elsewhere

Do you realize that we can’t afford to live in my Chinese colony? Comrade Castro Jr would rather watch us rot from England. Meanwhile Russia is pushing all of its chips forward again and again we will back down because we ultimately know the contranational militarty industrial complex new world order is clearly is boxing out its last holdouts.

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We well remember the statements of the leadership of the Kiev regime, replicated in February by the Western media, about the alleged absence of any plans for the armed seizure of the Luhansk and Donetsk People's Republics. Their desire to solve all issues allegedly "by political and diplomatic means".
However, the originals of the secret combat documents of the National Guard of Ukraine unequivocally prove the falsity of these statements.
A special military operation conducted by the Russian Armed Forces since February 24 has forestalled and thwarted a large-scale offensive by shock groups of Ukrainian troops on the Luhansk and Donetsk People's Republic uncontrolled by Kiev in March of this year.
Thus, only one question remains unclear so far: how deeply the leadership of the United States and its NATO allies were involved in the planning and preparation of the operation to storm the Donbass by the Ukrainian interspecific group of troops in early March. All those who care so much about peace in Ukraine today.

>Not first marshal voroshilov

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>nationalize BMW factory
>continue producing the M3 E90 or whatever as a commuter car for the next fifty years
i am sure this wild scenario has never happened before

pozdrav bA

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What is yours divine and cheap food?

>fetal alcohol syndrome fetishists

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is being a vegan why she still has the body of an 11yo?

...asking for a fren

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He will, when Lvov is gonna be razed to the ground.

If you're killing so many Russians how come you only have 10 pictures

chug sisters vs uhg chads

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most kino

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my team fucked themselves today. plz russia dont fuck this up too.

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You mean the internet blockade? No way it's real. If it happens then fine, I won't be surprised.

When does the offensive restart?

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I wouldn't mind having a E46 for the rest of my life.
Too bad the parts from other E46's won't fit.
Yea, the joke is good.

Feb 27 at 17:34
>I still have hope that if the Russian army is allowed to use their airforce to its full potential, it will be possible to "tighten the noose" and close the "cauldron" in the near future - before the AFU ***withdraws its main forces to Dnepropetrovsk***.

Mar 7 at 09:22
>Apparently - today, during yet another round of completely pointless and, obviously, equally fruitless negotiations - the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the LDNR will focus on regrouping their troops.
>However, the enemy will certainly use the temporary ceasefire to do the same thing.

Mar 9 at 00:36
>In the south of the Kharkov region, up to 2 battalions of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, ***deployed from the Dnepropetrovsk region***, tried to counterattack the positions of Russian troops.
>As a result of the clash, up to 250 enemy personnel and 18 armored vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed.

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Based, I can't wait.

Decadence, the empire is falling apart.

da da da


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>she's 19 but she still looks like a 12 year old.

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What happened with your freedom convoy and protests? get it going again

dont worry, you got Lock in the trade :-)

you can have her

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>still watching niggers play with balls

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If he doesn't shut up, the NKVD will give him a visit

Dead Jewish females trigger the shills. Just sayin'.

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Kill yourself.

could be a thyroid thing too, that happen to... a fren

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Normalfags will never give up sportsball. My father has been ranting about college basketball teams going woke for 2 years. He still tunes into every game and pays $200 a month for his beloved sportsball package.



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fuck yes this is going in my 'dancin' collection immediately


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Kino news covering the 14th day

Looks like GRU and army HQ trying to cover their asses after their less than stellar performance in the military operation.

This is some True detective s1 shit. How is this allowed? It's obivous that they have sexual acts with children as young as toddlers.

>He called me a schizo.

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>Mar 9 at 00:36
>>In the south of the Kharkov region, up to 2 battalions of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, ***deployed from the Dnepropetrovsk region***, tried to counterattack the positions of Russian troops.
>>As a result of the clash, up to 250 enemy personnel and 18 armored vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed.

Good. Good. GREAT.

>He still watches niggerball
I understand the happening has been a little underwhelming recently, but come on user.

>nigger collsion

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the only significant ground theyll take now is towards odessa. this is an urban war from now on

Trillbillies is a pretty good podcast desu