What do you think of Tor

Good bad to use.

Attached: Tor.png (867x395, 118.37K)

False sense of security. You can't escape the botnet or the glowies

IMO it's aight. But they still can get you via canvassing. Using TOR alone isn't really that much safer

Turn back, there’s no point in going deep down the rabbit hole

It's good but you shouldn't think of it as 100% safe. It is impossible to escape the glowniggers so you should always be on the lookout

But I'm not going to use Tor because I will visit some dark sites, just to access legit site that was 403.

Tor is very good technology that is plagued by schizo fudders.
Tor works great. It's only vulnerability comes from how people use it on this host system. If the host system is comped, then that's not good. Even if it is though, it's still good to use tor because it still makes you harder to de-anonymize. Know your threat model.

You will be fine if you live in a third world country that's too corrupt to give a fuck. But if you live in China, well they might start paying attention.

too much glow nodes

It's a way for glowniggers to focus in on suspicious and potentially subversive activity.

Then run one.


if you get a route where globohomo controls the entry and the exit node your fucked.

tor over tor is the answer.
>tor instance 1: socks proxy on 9050 or whatever
>tor instance 2: connect via proxy on 9050
>browser connects to torinstance 2
you can repeat this indefinitely
you may not win but you can up the price tag

On a side note how's i2p rigght now?


what the internet should have been

Never too late to join fren.
Come, make a website with us!

So the answer always was to hide behind seven proxies

if you are russian it won't do anything for you

Always has been

>he use israeli-made processor
>he use microsoft windows on top of it
>he use a mozilla-based browser into his OS
>he use a government-controlled ISP as gateway
>he use a glowie net to feel more safe and secure
remember to use an US-made antivirus user and upgrade to windows 11

Attached: pepe.gif (498x498, 1.75M)