The Internet lies

The Internet lies
It is trying to cover the real origin of the "Forever alone" meme.

This is the real origin lf the meme

Attached: images - 2022-03-08T234503.423.jpg (582x527, 49.64K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I feel so bad for her
i totally would

never give up

Attached: 6464364.png (624x656, 761.71K)

Even this girl probably found a husband

graham linehan physiognomy. powerful.

Attached: 1645690748785.jpg (1200x900, 117.06K)

If you cover the deformed part of her face she's pretty hot

I would, idc. She's probably a great person given what she's been through growing up like that. Plus she's white

thread theme

even her hair on that side of her head is fucked up

Dude youre fucking disgusting

Dudes actually pretty good looking if you ignore being a living beef patty but its cool this hot asian woman had her baby.

I guess she considered he had good genes but was born unlucky

Bend over, nice ass.

>good genes
he has no legs

>i totally would
What is wrong with Mexicans

thalidomide abuse does that to your kids

>forever alone

Attached: 1638560754750.jpg (1080x1218, 150.36K)

>he had good genes but was born unluck
+ rich and famous

Looks like Bob is doing fairly well for himself.

He’s waiting for those arms to grow just a little longer and then he’s having them.

Attached: D3191C6F-7A1C-4796-BAD8-4AD34FAE3E82.jpg (810x539, 58.32K)

A girl I went to school with has something wrong with her like that. Face looks like its melting off, breathing tube, all that, and is engaged. Girl in OPs pic could have a literal black hole as a face and somebody would try to fuck it.

That’s some decent jungle cunt right there. Well done, mr nugget creep-foot.

why does his penis have two toes on it?

Just put a bag over most of her head, with her good eye poking out. I bet she’s got a slammin bod.

fuck me

This guy just has an extreme right mandible bite unbalance snd his left side has atrophied

Fucking kek

Trust the science, goy!