Yes I am a Jew, yes I have deradicalized your movement for 8 years. Thanks for the paywall cheddar

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Other urls found in this thread:

Look at those beady eyes lmao

Jews are the most racist people on planet Earth
Jews genocide other races
Open borders for Israel, now

I'm sorry you're poltically irrelevant Pikachu, and that you've aligned yourself with a libertarian sperg who will backstab you the moment his autism gets triggered.

Be careful, kiddo.

Also, you're not into racial politics so what do you even care?

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Who are you? And what's my movement?

His anti-holocaust videos are pretty good though. I find that one guy next to him obnoxious as fuck and annoying though and he ruins the whole thing for me.

>Open borders for Israel, now

Did he finally admit it?

Mike's great

Death to Israel.

>Canada doesn't like Jesse
it's over

1. Never paid his site a cent
2. Learned alot about how fake the holocaust is from him
3. His DNA test debunked your claim before you even made this slide thread
Get fucked leaf

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I knew he was jewish within 5 seconds of hearing his Howard Stern jew voice and speaking mannerisms on the radio, before I ever saw what he looked like with those beady eyes and hook nose, and before I ever saw picrel, before I ever heard him pushing glowie-tier nahtzeeism, and slandering Christianity.

If you didn't immediate recognize his jewishness on every single level possible, your jewdar is fubar and you are a liability to yourself and others.

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James Fields was revealed to be jewish as well and the trs crew never mentioned that. They even look alike.

Radicalize versus what alternative? Atomwaffen?
Go KYS moron

Solve the organized Christianity anti pro-white stance problem and then get back to me

Christianity solves the spiritual problem infecting the White race ever since its embrace of sodomy.

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>noo my church is big tent because we need tithes from niggers, chinks and indians..
>we are all one race if we just recognize that jesus christ died for our sins

The truth is universal. Tribal religions are folklore. Christ is king of all.

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> Mikes terrible


y'all niggas just jealous no one cares what you have to say.

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Strike and Mike was really good tonight. Excellent breakdown of the current geopolitical crisis.

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