Oh, how the turn tables

Oh, how the turn tables....

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It’s only cool when we do it

Not even saying it sarcastically, I really am a nationalist

>I really am a nationalist
Being a nationalist =/= being a globohomo slave NPC

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Idgaf I want my country to rule over yours Yao Ming

But you will HAVE no future! Do you not realise America is destroying itself over the dumbest shit!? Whatever you hold dear is their enemy!

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You believe the propaganda
No one believes the woke shit outside the internet

>being this out of touch
Are you sure you live in America?

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i have close relationships with multiple people who make the media propaganda look mild compared to their real life behavior and opinions.

>blacks are least criminal people
>whites are most criminal
>chicago crime is a lie, its actually one of the safest cities in the country because of all the blacks that live there
>white areas are most dangerous but they cover up all the murder and crime
>trump is a nazi and so is anyone who likes him
>racist against whites is "positive racism" and a good thing
>leftist media is 100% true always and if you question it youre a white supremacist nazi

i could go on and on. all american. five people at least and i hardly talk to anymore. i dont even know a single "mild" leftists. its either typical boomer conservatives or pants on head crazy leftists

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The brainwashing is fucking astonishing desu America is literally just A Brave New World, word for word!

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Ukraine is gonna get erased lol.

>No one believes the woke shit outside the internet
people who live their lives glued to screens with propaganda as the only channel are far louder than they are numerous

>Destroying itself over the dumbest shit
Remember the time you guys thought it would be a good idea to store 2.7 kilotons of ammonium nitrate in Beirut. LMAO

You are either completely out of touch or you live in some isolated rural village
Wh do you mean by "you guys"? Do you think the average person here knows about this? We're in the middle of a proxy war here involving all of Western Asia

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Checked, and people like him are sadly common here.

What the fuck do you think the government is paying labs for? Just like nukes we need to be ahead of every possible threat.
If you're os stupid you haven't already know the US has been working on bioweapons for decades, then just shut the fuck up forever.

>we need to be ahead of every possible threat.
Having a more powerful virus does not make you more effective at defending yourself if someone launched a virus at you
>US has been working on bioweapons for decades
I know and it still doesn't make any sense nor is it compatibile with Christian or Islamic values.

holy FRICK
the wuflu WAS leaked from a lab in china

uh oh raggy

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China and Russia need to fucking nuke this shithole already. I'm willing to die for the cause.

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you are one retarded bastard

Migaboomer are going to seethe

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Developing countries are not polygons for bio experiments.
Build that shit in your suburbs if you have to.

Nice source totally real

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We need it so bad that they build it in puppet countries because it's illegal in the US. I'm sure our unelected bureaucrats behind it all have the best interests of the people in mind, and aren't just trying to hold on to power.

>Having a more powerful virus does not make you more effective at defending yourself if someone launched a virus at you
yeah it doesn't, but the MAD principle applies meaning the only people who would do it are the suicidal people making it an ineffective weapon.
Why do you think the US only engages with uneducated, shitskin, subhuman, retarded countries like mudslime ones? Because they aren't a threat and need to remain destabilized.

>the shoe is on the other foot
But we already knew that covid was funded by the US through NGO's

I don't get how your country is such a disaster. Your people are based. It's almost like you have an even shitty neighbour than we do.

What is this, the spurned lover? Yeah, we still remember you did it with the us and killed the fucking world. Fauci slut shaming

America is a nigger loving shithole. I'm an extreme Russian nationalist and will kill you when civil wars bust out

fake news
united states would never do something like that

Shill or clueless retard. Everyone in the know, knows this Covid shit was made in the US.

Post physique.

that was the most obvious glow op

>oops my experimental polio-aids-ebola virus escapes and is penetrating my worst enemy, how sad better invent a scape goat
why would we put that shit on America soil? It's more volatile than nukes.
Keep the herd alive is just a consequence of their desire for power, without goyim slaves they would have no real wealth, because wealth of all nations derive from the people. However, they obvious don't give a shit about the people as humans seeing as how they keep importing shitskins and subhumans because bigger numbers is better, regardless of the systematic summative decay. When power exists it's quick to corrupt: Sic semper tyrannis. Maybe some time ago the governmental bodies gave a shit about something like America and humanity and Americans, but that's not the case anymore.
>If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary.
>Jame Madison
The problem is the forefathers didn't have the foresight and thus produced a failure of imagination for the possible evils that could arise from their creation. It's an utter abuse and we simply take it, and creating cultural conflict distracts from their misdeeds, and further we become frail and further dependent until we simple hollow into being of impulse with a design that is unnatural: an eternal slave part of the horde of chaos bringing further entropy and thus the death of all things, as the chaos grows it expands and eventually become completely inert. That is the fate of this world.