He was born into one of the richest families in the country...

He was born into one of the richest families in the country. Never had to work for anything in his life and when he became president he cut rich people's taxes and kicked 700,000 of the poorest Americans off of foodstamps.

That is evil. That is genuine human evil. Say what you want about Biden or anyone else but that is genuine human evil and I will never vote for a Republican because of shit like that. Not until you people start supporting left-wing economics. Then and only then I might care about your gay "culture war"

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I don't care if you care you won't have a choice soon

2 more weeks

You’ve been posting this bait all night faggot. We don’t care about commies or their talking points. Also, America is going full swing republican next election and there’s nothing you can do about it. You will work for shit, or you will be homeless. Simple as.

anyone granted ascension into the executive branch is controlled.

and these people are all self-interested, callous, unfeeling, sociopaths. idgaf whether they are red or blue team, tory or labor, makes no difference anymore. maybe 50 years ago it did.

>Never had to work for anything in his life

And yet he worked his whole life. Fuck off.

I was a manager at Walmart during Covid and the amount of EBT recipients I saw blow their stimmies on big screen TVs was astronomical. We didn’t have any TVs to sell for months. So I don’t want to hear your sob stories about them; I couldn’t give less of a fuck.

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Don't forget raised taxes on the middle class. For some reason no one ever mentions that

of course ZOGmerica can only choose between a cock or balls in their mouth.

Welfare? What are you, a Porch Monkey?

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Fuck food stamps and fuck you

Who cares? Fuck the poors. Anyone who was on foodstamps or section 8 housing or got a stimulus check during the pandemic officially lost their right to call themselves White. From this point forward are officially just a light skinned nigger and you will not be allowed in the ethnostate.

Things were better under the bad orange man. I miss the bad orange man.

They really didn't seem to want him in there, so much so they cheated very obviously the second time around.
Nice numbers.

Nobody on the right sees Trump as a larp except the ones still stuck in the same normie world you leftist are in. Fuck Trump. And fuck agreeing with leftist economics. All fake and gay and Jewish

Found the nigger

He also didn't take a wage as president

Knows business, and that is exactly what America is fucked up over. Running the country like a company is a sad reality, but if it works...

that's not even remotely true Fred was hardly one of the richest not even close. You don't know very much if you believe that.

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gave me money
kept energy and food prices low
made people I don't like seethe

insane inflation
threatening nuclear war with Russia over Ukraine.
energy and food prices skyrocket on top of inflation. Dems say just buy solar panels and EV, literally let them eat cake.

I'll vote for the orange man in a fair election because it's better for me. fuck the Democrats

Because it didn't happen. That was a stupid report. People got less money back from their tax returns because the government didn't steal as much overall.

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>You’ve been posting this bait all night faggot.
its not bait if its true

I wish my dad gave me a small loan of a million dollars

Lmao exactly. The amount deducted from each paycheck decreased. Peoples paychecks were bigger. But all people care about are their tax returns. They’d rather give the government an interest free loan and get it back next year and splurge rather than learn how to be responsible with their money and save it.

Fuck Niggers

>Also, America is going full swing republican next election
lmao I wish I could see your face when america votes for the democrats AGAIN

Maybe then you will realize the american people dont like your fascism

>gave me money
>kept energy and food prices low
>made people I don't like seethe
this and also he cut taxes for the middle class too.

Still less evil than Biden or any Democrat to impoverish people to the point they NEED food stamps.

Fuck off back to the tranny discord shill servers, you brainlet zoomer

Did he freeze the bank accounts of peaceful protestors?

even at the time it was not really a lot... you are seeing the world from your very limited origins. not a crime but its not reality either... world without end, amen?

i think rich people's contempt is fuckin based. it kind of makes sense too.

Im a lazy 30 year old loser who has to pay for sex in countries overseas and i total deserve the contempt and ire of rich people. MOST rich people grinded for their spot and they have every right to shower disdain on people who wouldn't rise to the occassion like they did

based pleb.

Fascism is a left wing ideology, faggot.

Also, Virginia went Republican and all of Trump's endorsements won their primaries.

Bro they are all wicked. Take the blinders off your eyes. I didnt vote for trump because I like him. I voted because I liked the reaction it caused to the neocons and neolibs and tranny freaks.

Sage this gay thread. Where tf are the stupid jannies?

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Yep, all his business ran themselves and his wealth wasn't squandered in his life magically. You truly are a retard

you are ngmi


>Locks down Americans
>Mandates jab
> Colludes with big business
> Doesn't care about BLM at all, thinks it's an idea

And you call trump fascist...

If you earned 4500 a month for 20 years, you'd have over 1 million dollars.

That's 1/10th of 1% of 1 billion dollars.

For Trump, that *IS* a small loan.

And the US government can spend a billion dollars faster than you lose money at Walmart.

Go be a tranny somewhere else.
>the poorest americans
Niggers literally stay on welfare because it's free shit for them. The entire reason employers offer shitwork for less than 30 hours is because of this. Suck my nuts.

You're trying to deflect from the fact that President* Brandon is the dumbest motherfucker to ever sit in the Oval Office, but it isn't working.

What is inflation?

Only net taxpayers should be allowed to vote. No representation without taxation. Wards of the state should not have any voice in how the pie is carved up.

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You mean "if you are a communist you will be physically removed". Fuck "arbeit macht frei" how about "get the fuck out now".

>Say what you want about Biden
Biden is objectively worse than Donald Trump in every relevant metric.
Also, you're just a faggot in an office getting paid to post this shit.

>kicked 700,000 of the poorest Americans off of foodstamps.
What are you talking about? During the pandemic, everyone who was unemployed was getting $600 a week plus the stimulus checks. On top of that, everything was cheaper. A $50k a year salary was enough for a single person to live on, at this point, that's pretty much poverty wages.