What's the hidden agenda behind muh enviroment?

What's the hidden agenda behind muh enviroment?

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you don't get to eat meat anymore and the population can be reduced to 500,000,000 so there is less competition and a greater eugenic effect

Environmentalists can rip you off. Overpriced green products, getting in the way of property sales, etc.

jews reducing you to serfdom

Decimating western energy production and independence in favor of China, Iran and Saudi Arabia

Perhaps the hidden agenda is getting America so it isn't so dependent economically on commodities that skyrocket and crash the economy every 12 years or so

Hamstringing first world economies with carbon taxes to demolish upward mobility and keep everyone as serfs on this planet of slaves.

money for the energy companies liberals like instead of money for the ones they don’t

>What's the hidden agenda behind muh enviroment?


The relentless fear-mongering Ukraine media coverage is to distract from the leaked WEF video and the anti-COVID/anti-big brother uprisings that were previously springing up worldwide. It also distracts from e.g. Biden's insanely low approval numbers, the biological labs the US ran in Ukraine, Biden family business dealings in the Ukraine, skyrocketing gas/food prices and the BLM communist Biden just nominated for SCOTUS.

One of the biggest moves: It will also start the orchestrated push to get the populace into either electric vehicles or public transportation so that the government can fully control freedom of movement.

Klaus Schwab stated in a leaked video that the WEF has infiltrated governments around the world with their globalist agents. For example, he states that OVER HALF of Justin Trudeau's cabinet has been "penetrated" by WEF "young globalist leaders” along with many other Western nations.


Also, the similarities between the current Ukraine media lies and the old Holohoax media lies are absolutely stunning:

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Implementing a Carbon Tax

>Perhaps the hidden agenda is getting America so it isn't so dependent economically on commodities that skyrocket and crash the economy every 12 years or so

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Take all your rights

China and india continue to make industrial and technological advances, while the rest of the western world gets paid off by chinese money to dismantle their own industries and ability to compete by making themselves live in an a civilization that is 1 regression removed from the 21st century. China will never not be leaps and bounds ahead of us. We will become so poor that china will be able to come in and buy out the land of the west and rule it. In less than 1 generation, "china bringing their technological innovations to the 3rd world west" will make them look like saviors helping to pull us out of our backwards ways using the technology that they stole from us when we invented it 50 years ago.

No one ever says anything to china about climate change. China has been forever labelled a "developing nation" so as to have no climate restraints. Under the guise of "equity and fairness" the rest of the world must be allowed to advance to the point that the western nations did because otherwise it "isn't fair" because "the west is so far ahead of everyone else that africa will never have the resources to even catch up if they wanted to"

This is more horseshit out of china turning a color revolution on us.

Anything to do with muh "greater good" is to strip away personal freedom, right to choose, property rights. Progressivism is about weaponizing panic to centralize control.

grift, mostly. they profit from doing things in the least efficient way possible so that there are more opportunities to charge money. like, did you know wind turbines have to be serviced from helicopters that run diesel? think of how much that must cost, how long it must take, etc. all that adds up, and multiplies, and they pay it so that they can make people think they're solving the problem that they invented
global warming is probably real but that is unrelated to the muh environment racket, which is supposed to line pockets and not make the earth cooler or whatever

Carbon Neutral = GOYIM GENOCIDE
Simple as.

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They're suicidal. Think suicide by cop except with society. They're big thinkers, and I respect the hell out of them for it.

NWO: create problems so big that all governments and resources must be controlled by a centralized institution.

It’s literally just about money. A lot of old timer boomers like the Koch brothers and Buffett are already entrenched in most businesses that are extremely profitable. So in order for people like AOC and others to get filthy rich they need to figure out a different hustle. The solution is to get involved in newer businesses that are supposedly environmentally friendly and then throw tons of taxpayer money at those companies that they have a vested interest in so they can siphon off a big chunk of the tax payer money for themselves.

Usually its the massive investment banks who direct the funds from international climate agreements are spent. Of course, these are the same culprits who polluted so carelessly in the first place. Now they have created a convenient problem they can come in and solve, and be heralded as the saviors.


Hurting the oil companies that donate to the republicans.

>Industry sustains massive populations
>Massive populations require more resources
>More resources are used

"environmentalism" is about depopulation. women's rights is a huge issue that environmental charities donate too, why? because in countries where women have more rights they have less children. The only way to "solve" the problem is to depopulate, everything else is downstream. Be a conservationist, not an environmentalist.

vatnik glownigs pushing greens and the people to destroy power plants and switch to meme renewables which in turn forces them to buy Russian oil just keep up with the energy demand.

This. YOU are the carbon they want to control.